
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Yellow Atom, Spring Green Earrings

Atom in tatting always seems to make people smile. The pattern is in my Up and Tat 'Em book. It's definitely a challenge! The "nucleus" is an 8 mm bead, the "electrons" are 3 mm beads.

 A new experiment I'm trying with 8 mm beads is combining peyote stitch beading with tatting. I made a beaded bezel with Delicas beads and size 15/0 seed beads around the large bead. Then, tatted around it. I like the bright spring green color since it helps lift me out of the enormous piles of snow currently outside in Wisconsin! By the way, I finished these in between snow shoveling sessions. I think I'll keep the green pair for myself, but I've already started another colorful pair that may eventually make it into my Etsy shop. A tutorial may follow if there is enough interest.