
Friday, August 19, 2022

Nectarine and wire projects


New this week in my Etsy shop is a fresh batch of "Nectarine" hand dyed thread. Of course, the nectarine in the photo was promptly eaten after the photo was taken! I only use Procion MX fiber reactive chemical dyes for my hand dyed thread. (^^ )

Tatted earrings, my own Celtic triangle design, with handmade wire-wrapped niobium ear wires and glass teardrop beads. The pattern varies slightly from the Celtic triangle taught in my Next Steps In Shuttle Tatting class on Craftsy, but it's made using the same techniques. The thread used was size 20, 3 colors of hand dyed, one of which is from the "Stardate" batch.

Earlier this month I finished another wire-wrapped pendant with tatting:
The thread used was sizes 10 and 20 of "Stardate" along with a light blue. The teardrop is an Amazonite stone, purchased from TerraFinds. The wire is non-tarnish Parawire in "Titanium" color, 18 gauge for the frame, 28 gauge for the weaving. The half drilled stone was wrapped in 24 gauge.

I'm really pleased with how well the hand dyed silk ribbon purchased from Quintess looks with the pendant!