
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tigereye batch

The "Tigereye" batch of hand dyed thread is now in my etsy shop. I named it after a gemstone with similar coloring...browns to gold.

The earring I am working on here is another new design I thought of this past weekend. It was inspired by some large square earrings I saw a friend wearing.


  1. I really like this! I will keep an eye on your shop!

  2. I really, really, really wish I could wear earrings! The thread is gorgeous!

  3. Would clip-ons work? I keep intending to get some clip-on styles done, but haven't had time yet!

  4. Yay, I bought some of this whoo hoo!
    O.k., so how did you get it wound back on the spool?

  5. Thanks for buying!!
    What I do is wind it with a hand cranked yarn ball winder - which makes a really sloppy-looking ball in this size thread! But it's manageable. I've seen that some people wind theirs onto an embroidery floss holder. It could also be wound around a card, or a paper tube.
    If I had a ball winder that was capable of making neat, attractive tiny balls, then I could sell my thread that way -- anybody know of such a contraption?

  6. This is gorgeous! I got some too... I love your thread Marilee, they are all oh so pretty...

    I havent used the previous ones yet - I dont want to :-(...

  7. I know how Sapna feels. I've got mine so I can look at it and contemplate it. "Doing" is still the thinking stage!
