
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another tiny peak at doily in progress, and what Vicki did

This is still the same doily that I have been designing using only one shuttle and ball method throughout. (Some celtic interlacing included). I'm sticking to it!

I thought the design needed some small motifs, which necessitate "tie and cut" and ends worked in. I plan on sewing them in using "Lily's Way".

I think the doily will be finished after a few more rounds, yay!

The butterfly in the next photo was tatted by Vicki, and is her interpretation of the "Bedazzled Butterfly" pattern in my book, "Boutique Tatting". I think Vicki did a terrific job! And thanks go to Celtic Dream Weaver for sending the photo.

Dye batch in progress is "Peace".


  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing your doily! More Peach... ooh! It's one of my favorites!

  2. Vickie did a lovely job! Oh, goodie!!! Peace is in the making...does that make you a peace-maker? LOL! Well, then blessed ARE the peace-makers! ;)
    I want some! So I may ask you to put some on reserve for me for 2and 1/2 wks away.

  3. Thanks, Diane - the doily is coming a little slowly, because I have to take breaks to make more HDT (grin).

    TattinChic, you are the cleverest with words, LOL! I love it! BTW, what thread sizes are your favorites?

  4. My curiosity is peeked to see your finished doily! I also like your 'peace' color. It looks like magnolia blossoms. They only are here for a short time, but they are gorgeous like your thread!

  5. Marilee, I really enjoyed making the necklace. The directions and pictures were great. Vicki

  6. Tat19540, that is a lovely comparison. There are some magnolias blooming in the neighborhood just now.

    Vicki, thanks so much for giving permission to show your beautiful necklace here. You did a fantastic job of it! I'm glad that the directions were explained clearly enough to provide an enjoyable experience :-)
