
Saturday, June 13, 2009

L.A.C.E. Day - shopping, visiting, displays and learning

Having fun! Here are some of us attending the Lace Day that was organized by the Lacemakers And Collectors Exchange. From left to right is Lace-lovin'Librarian Diane, me, Barbara, Gina, and Linda.
Bobbin lace in progress.
Some of the tempting threads and equipment for sale.
Vendors included LacySusan, Kenn Van Dieren, and The Lacemaker USA.
So many choices!
Beautiful lace art done by the members of L.A.C.E.
The Lace Day offered classes in bobbin lace, kumihimo, crochet, and beginning tatting.

I didn't sign up for any classes myself, just did some shopping and then sat down to tat in the demonstration area. Several people showed interest in what I was doing - which at the time wasn't "normal" tatting, but happened to be a "pearl tatting" project. So more questions followed! I did demonstrate the basic "flip" of shuttle tatting to several people, and assisted one extremely interested lady in choosing a good beginning tatting book from the vendors.


  1. WOW! What a fun day that looks like! Looky there-there's our very own Tatting Goddess, Gina!

    It looks like a very fun day!

  2. OMGosh!!! There's Diane, too! How did I miss that? You are soooo lucky!! I would love to meet some of my tatting blogging buddies sometime. :)

  3. TattingChic, it's amazing to meet tatting blogging buddies - it feels sort of like meeting an old friend (for the first time) - and also like meeting a celebrity! I hope I can meet you too, someday!

  4. Awww...thanks! I feel the same way! I would love to meet you, too, sometime! Sometimes I think it would be so much fun to have a party that we ALL could go to and sit and chat and tat and eat chocolate all day and visit! That would be a dream come true!

  5. Wow! What a bevy of beautiful tatting buddies. That's a photo for my buddies folder. I don't need to meet you all, I know you already.

    Lovely photos of the meeting, enjoyed looking at them.

  6. Marilee, I'm so glad you remembered your camera! It was a lot of fun... I hope I didn't encourage you to buy too much. Is that possible? ; )

  7. Fox, you are right - it was fun! The organizers put in a lot of work to made it fun for everyone who attended.

    Tatskool, glad you enjoyed the photos. It sure is nice to be able to share with tatting buddies all over the world.

    Diane, don't worry - I would have bought those books and threads anyway! I'm really enjoying them. Too much? Well actually, I probably would have gone totally "hog wild" if friends hadn't been there to steady me, LOL.

  8. Buy too much??? LOL! You might be glad I wasn't out there in the vendor room to encourage you too! I did see two books I wanted and decided to think about since they were $35 each, as well as about half a dozen other things...ended up too distracted by the BL to think about them!

  9. Gina, I think I will have to sign up for a class next time - I spent way too much time in the vendor area, LOL!

  10. WOW! This L.A.C.E. Day looked like it was a not-to-be-missed event.

    Later this week my local lace guild is having a demo at the library and will be demonstrating BL & tatting. Most of the "guildies" are bobbin lacers; only one other tatter. After reading through this wonderful blog post I know I HAVE to bring my camera for blogging! Thanks!

    Looking forward to meeting you all one day soon.

  11. Hi Isdihara, nice to "meet" you!
    Do take pictures of your library demonstration - we want to see!

  12. LOL, I just came from Diane's blog....what a wonderful time!!!!

  13. LadyShuttleMaker, it's good that we can share good times wherever we are via the Internet.
