
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Along the winding "Summer Trail"

Well, I just had to do this batch, before summer is gone! Very similar to the Summer Trail I dyed last year, but some green got into this batch...I guess there was a good rain and some grass sprouted up along the side of the trail, LOL.

A few skeins of size 8 and size 12 pearl cotton were added for the first time. Actually, there are "just a few" of a number of sizes - and that is just the way it is. I'm not really a "supplier" in the usual sense of the word, just an artist who hand paints a few skeins. Nowadays there are many options in tatting threads, but I remember many years when the quality thread only came in white, and the only tatting books available were reprints of early 1900's books. (Uh, did that comment date me? LOL) Well, the point is that tatters these days are very lucky to have so many choices!


  1. Very Pretty Marilee.
    you have a very good eye for color, and i think that colorway will look very good all tatted up.

  2. This is one of my favorite colorways, and I love the way you have it displayed in this photo!

  3. Ha ha! If that comment about remembering when the only thread available was white and the only books available were early 1900 reprints...AND the only shuttles available were clover post shuttles and BOYE stainless steel bobbin shuttles (or antique celluloid, bone or sterling silver...if you're lucky enough to find 'em)..I guess what I'm trying to say is that if that dates YOU, it dates ME, too! LOL!

    Oh, I have so enjoyed getting in touch with fabulous online tatting merchants such as yourself to get beautiful threads and other tatting sundries from! Thank you for your beautiful contributions to the tatting world, Marilee! You're a gem! :)

    Summer Trail is fabulous this year (as always-but I really like the touch of green!). Today is payday, too! Hmmmmmm....

  4. Thanks, Ladytats, this combo of soft colors has always been one of my personal favorites.

    Glad you enjoyed the photo,Diane. There are plenty of nature's "props" growing outside just now!

    LOL, TattingChic, I never even had any Clover shuttles until a few years ago. In my neck of the woods they had the red "Boye" plastic - and I was very lucky to even find those.

  5. Hi
    Very pretty thread!!! I am hoping that there is a little more summer still to come, seeing that it started late this year. Keep up the great work!!!

  6. Love the thread colors. And I go far back enough to remember when you could get the little reprints for 10 cents and tatting thread was a quarter! And the red plastic boyle and metal shuttles was about it. Yeah for progress! Thanks for all your lovely colors!

  7. Tatfully Yours, I too hope the summer goes on for a while yet. It's been beautiful here, not too hot.

    Tat19540, those reprints for ten cents really are treasures! Back in the day, the local variety store sold small tatting cotton balls for 39 cents, I think, but it was very fuzzy and had no body to it at all. Change is good!

  8. Wonderful palette! Lovely thread that I cannot get out of my mind! Here we go again! LOL! Reading the posts, seems I entered Tat-land at just the right time!

  9. Thanks, Fox, I think the current times are great for tatting!

  10. Ha ha! Marilee, your comment back to me made me chuckle! I learned how to tat (almost 30 yrs ago) on a red BOYE plastic shuttle! LOL!

  11. Your "Summer Trail" colorway is simply gorgeous! I clicked away from your post to read updates from your blog roll but, like Fox, I can't get it out of my mind. Here I go again, too. Ha ha!

  12. This thread looks so pretty, I just had to go and buy some! And that's saying something, because I normally avoid variegated threads. Can't wait to get it and make something pretty!

