
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hand dyed getting to the loom, and packing

Included in my last batch of "Lola" HDT was some prepared warp of size 5 pearl cotton. I'm combining the hand painted warp along with white for my weaving project. The photos show the yarn ends being sleyed through the reed, then being threaded through the heddles. (I'm warping from front to back). This is as far as the weaving project has come.
Other things I'm doing include packing a box for Palmetto's Tat Days. No, I can't make the trip myself, but some of my HDT is going! It will be available in the Tat Days vending room, and arrangements have been made with the Palmetto Tatting Guild to do the selling for me.
Don't worry, my Etsy Shop will remain open and stocked during Tat Days - I dyed some extra thread for that event.

Must get back to winding skeins for Sugar Maple!


  1. Ooh, it is so intriguing to see you winding a warp using HDTs. I look forward to updates on how this is going. (That's me, living vicariously through other people's weaving. LOL!)

    Thanks for sharing your weaving adventure as well as news of your HDT going "on the road" and the Sugar Maple teaser.

    In the words of Inigo Montoya, "I hate waiting..." *grins*

  2. Just one more reason I'm excited to go to palmetto tat days.
    Thanks for sending a package to
    Palmetto, because you can never have enough HDT.

  3. YAY! I'm glad you're leaving your Etsy shop open and still selling at Palmetto Tat Days at the same time. Good for you...that's awesome customer service! :)

  4. Wow! This looks so complicated to me- I can't even imagine. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Is there anything that you can't do? lol! Simply amazing!

  5. Thanks so much, everyone!

    Well, it seems that I just can't know when enough is enough already - LOL! It's my own fault when I run out of time for everything.

  6. Dear Yarnplayer!
    Congratulation! Fantastic work! Very like them!I am Andrea from Hungary. I am only a short time to make necklaces, but I'm learning a lot from. A yours book also bought,László from Hungary ordered. Laszlo received his post to me, but post is lost this book. I am very sad! I hope again gather enough money to re-order. Good job and success in your work!

  7. andrea j, I do remember sending a book to Laszlo in Hungary. Maybe it will still arrive.
    You may email me at yarnplayer (at) if it is really lost, and I will send another book.

  8. Dear Yarnplayer!
    Very nice. Wait a few days, even if they do not come ,to write you e-mail!Thank you!

  9. I just had a gander at Sugar Maple. It is just gorgeous! I wish I could tat faster, as my stash is growing more quickly than my shuttle can tat!
    : )) Fox the Un-Nimble!

  10. Nice to find a tatter who also weaves. I'm a multi - crafter too. Love your dyed tatting yarn
