
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chemo Cap Project with tatting

This is the first time I decorated a cap for the Chemo Cap Project.

The tatted flower started out to be a different design, but I made a mistake, so... just kept going and made up a different flower. The center bead is surrounded by a self closing mock ring, and the motif just sort of grew out of that, using one shuttle and a ball thread.

I worked on this during the Fall Beading Retreat held by the Loose Bead Society. So, it was a "tatting in public" day for me, and a lot of fun! The event was also a convenient opportunity to learn some jewelry making tips from the excellent "crimp bead" demo that was given.


  1. Perfect design for the cap! Very pretty!
    Fox : )

  2. That is REALLY pretty!! What a nice project!
    :) Ann

  3. Oh what a happy cap. As a former Chemo patient with a bald head, Pretty is the word. I had a couple that were really cute; one was admired by a fellow cancer patient and I just whipped it off my head and said, "It's yours!" You can not know how much those small pieces of material mean; and the prettier the fabric, or the decoration ~ that's really a treat.
    Thank you for doing this...
    on behalf of those who wear the caps, hats and scarves. Beverly June

    Cancer free for 7 years now Wooo Hoooo

  4. I don't see the mistake on your flower and if you hadn't said anything no one would have known!
    Thank you for doing the chemo cap. I have had several close friends go through this and it means a lot to know someone cares. I'd like to say they all had a happy ending, but some are now angels watching over us.

  5. That looks nice and comfortable. The tatted motif is a lovely touch.

  6. Thank you all for the nice comments.

    Ridgetatter, thank you for sharing about your personal victory over cancer. You go, girl!
