
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Funky heart pendant in polymer clay and tatting

Originally this was going to be an earring, but the 2 hearts I made of polymer clay didn't match - I mean they were VERY different, so this one got finished up into a pendant on a chain. I still like the idea for earrings, so I'll have to make more hearts. I'd like to make a lot of different colors.

Speaking of colors, some of the colors in the pendant are similar to a shirt I saw the other night at the meeting I attended for the Loose Bead Society (LBS). I just had to tell the lady, "That shirt you're wearing has wonderful colors in it - I would like to dye some thread in those colors!"

While I was at the meeting I had the opportunity to talk for 5 minutes in front of the group (over 80 people in attendance) about the beginning tatting with beads class that I'm teaching at the LBS March Retreat. I do hope I'll be able to get some more people "hooked on tatting"!


  1. Awesome! Way to spread the love. Your group sounds like fun

  2. I'm constantly amazed at the versatility of tatting and new adaptations for it! Your recent polymer ideas are breaking new ground. You have SO MANY talents and are even becoming a 'public speaker'!

    Every time I visit your blog I think I'm browsing through an upscale magazine filled with exquisite photography and eye-popping color - not to mention in-depth tutorials about new and exciting tatting techniques. Thanks so much for sharing all your creative ideas and especially for being a pioneer in hand-dyed threads, which have taken tatting to a new and exciting level!

  3. Wow!
    What wonderful encouragement :-D
    I appreciate each and every comment, even though I usually don't have enough time for individual responses.
    But, Kathy Niklewicz, I think you've written the MOST GLOWING review I have ever received! May I quote you?!!

  4. Your jewerly amazes me at just how talented you are! The colors are wow. Just thought you should know I got my thread I ordered from you today!(Thursday). I love the colors they are so much better in person! Thank you! Your hdt brings 'color' to tatting!

  5. I love your job. The colors that you create are awesome and the way you combined it with the polymers. are great. I want to learn the technique as good as you do it.

    Bye, a hug for you.

  6. Thank you, everyone, I am glad you enjoy looking at my "experiments".

    Sanli, I am glad you found my blog. You do beautiful work, too.

  7. oh yummy. Love the colors...what a great design... :)Debb
