
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another "Garden Afternoon"

I still remember the afternoon spent in a lovely outdoor botanical garden, nearly a year ago now, that inspired this colorway. It was one of those idyllic summer days, just pleasantly warm with a very gentle breeze. The kind of rare afternoon where vintage automobiles cruise about, giving a feeling of having traveled back in time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Treasuries galore

It seems that HDT is becoming a favorite item to include in Treasury selections on Etsy. Just recently my threads have been featured by Caitlin Sainio, Homespun Ireland, and Atelierfrost.

The project I'm currently working on (sorry, no photos yet) is improving the tatted "atom", and getting the directions written down. This is a really tricky design - but I think it's getting there. I really want to do this well and get some tatted up. The manager of the Discovery World gift shop has invited me to have some of my items there on consignment, and gee whiz - what could be more perfect for a science museum gift shop than a tatted atom?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Corsage" HDT

I saw a beautiful orchid at a botanical garden. and really liked the colors. This was the inspiration behind the HDT, "Corsage" - so named because it seems that particular flower would make a spectacular corsage.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Working on book 2

It seems that I'll just go with "Boutique Tatting 2" as my next book title, even though it seems a bit unimaginative. So far I can't think of anything better, and it will be more of the same types of things - tatted jewelry and small items.

I've just spent hours and hours trying to explain "woven beaded picot" in one of the patterns. I don't know if there really is much interest among tatters to even try woven beaded picots, but hey - if I've spent hours and hours on it, it's going in the book - LOL!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Neck Lace Treasury

PlumpFairy has curated a fantastic Treasury on Etsy called "Neck Lace" that consists entirely of tatted necklaces!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Wishing all joy and peace, good spring weather, great friends, lots of new flowers, and extra tatting time!

Recycling an old photo here, since I've been too busy to make any new Easter things. The satin eggs are from Handy Hands. Easy to decorate - just pin tatting on.