
Thursday, August 26, 2010

2 whole pages

A surprise came in yesterday's mail - my tatting was published in another magazine! Here's a snapshot of the 2 page spread featuring my tatted items in the September/October issue of Belle Armoire, but you'll need to see the actual magazine (coming out next month) in order to get the full effect of this publication's glorious photography. All I did was submit the tatted jewelry through the mail. It got accepted, and their professional photographer took the photos. Wow! They sure do make it look good :-)

You may recognize this tatting from my Beguile Set, which I included in my Up and Tat 'Em book. But, you may ask, "Where is the pattern for the bracelet variation that the model is wearing?"

Well, here's what happened: I finished that particular bracelet quite a long while back, and forgot to take a photo of it before shipping it to the magazine. So, I didn't have the sample on hand while I was writing Up and Tat 'Em, and couldn't remember what I had done.


  1. yarnplayer,
    Congrats on your work being in this magizine. So you didn't put your bracelet in your last book. You don't have to share all your patterns. Or you could put it in your next book. You are the only one who can decide how you want to do it. We can only drool & cheer that your elegant work was in a magizine for even more people to see who might not know what tatting even is. That's cool in it's self! You go Girl!!!

  2. Wow! Nice display! It's so wonderful that you are getting tatting out there in front of the public (well, the magazine buying public at least). One more proof it's NOT a dying art -- and one more proof that it can be, in the right hands, truly an art. Congratulations.

  3. Congratulations on having your worked in the magazine. Their photography really makes your tatting look awesome.

  4. We are all so proud of you as you showcase our craft. Well done.

  5. Hurray! And congratulations! And beautiful work!

  6. Congratulations on getting published yet again! Your work is so elegant, it certainly deserves to be showcased like this, and it lets people see what tatting is and what can be done with it.

    If you wanted to make the bracelet again, I bet you could reproduce it from the photo.

  7. Congrats on the pieces being shown in a magazine.....they are gorgeous...thanks for sharing
    Joy in OZ

  8. Congratulations! It must be very rewarding to see your work published so beautifully. Many thanks for keeping the art of tatting visible!

  9. I was going to comment yesterday but I couldn't think of the right words to say. Tatskool hit the nail on the head- well done!

  10. Thank you all so very much!

    I think Belle Armoire might publish more tatting originals if they get the submissions, so I encourage you to design and enter your own "art to wear" tatted work. They've got a hair accessory challenge coming up next, why not go for it?

    Tatting is popping up everywhere :-)
