
Friday, April 15, 2011

"Corsage" hand dyed thread

Inspired by the colors of an orchid, that I thought would make a really very special occasion corsage, hence the name, "Corsage".

Might be nice colors for Easter eggs too.


  1. Ooooo...Nooooo...another gorgeous thread that I must have!!! I will be placing an order Monday I am afraid :)

  2. That is so lovely. It's one of those colors that makes me happy when I look at it.

  3. I have ordered this from you in the past. It is one of my favourites - so pretty in many different kinds of motifs.

    You do such lovely palettes.
    Fox : )

  4. Absolutely beautiful colours! Just love it!!! :)

  5. I was just tatting with corsage this week! Such lovely colours.

  6. This one is my favorite so far! It was the first I ever ordered and I love it!!! :)

  7. Your 'eye' for color is absolutely spectacular!!

  8. Thank you all so much! I have to admit that these colors (and your nice comments) gave me a much needed "pick-me-up" this week.

  9. I always love your colorways. I'm trying to whittle my threads down so I can be a bit more specific in my purchases instead of so willy-nilly. Even're so tempting!

    hmmm...just had a thought. What does it take to tat a small heart or other small motif - something that could be done in 5 yards or less....and maybe have a "sampler" pack of 4 or 5 colorways for customers to try out? Charge for the sampler pack, of course, but it would be a less expensive way to try some colors if you're thinking of several and can't pick.

  10. This is one of the prettiest colors I have in my collection. I use it for very special gifts.
    It is a joy to work with and a lovely color.
