
Monday, November 7, 2011

Another show this coming weekend

I'll have more tatted jewelry in the first-ever Jewelry at the Domes show. Details are on the postcard scan above.

The necklace shown at left is one of my new items that will be there. Some tatted jewelry items have been disappearing from my Etsy shop, because of being sold at the previous show, or being sent to a magazine for a photo shoot and future article...I'll announce which magazine when the contract is signed...soon. It looks like another good opportunity to publicize tatting and I'll reveal more when all is settled.

I'll be dyeing more thread after the show, to restock the rapidly dwindling supply in my Etsy shop. I really need to concentrate on getting more jewelry made this week.


  1. How exciting! You are doing so much to promote tatting lately, and your jewelry show that tatting is NOT a lost art!

  2. We in Tat Land are so proud of you, and are happy you are receiving all of ths well-deserved recognition! I can't believe all the shows you are doing right now!

    This is a fabulous necklace!

  3. Beautiful necklace. You make such lovely creations and it's nice to see the world is taking note! Karen in OR

  4. I must learn to Tat ..... can you recommend an easy, step by step book/site/class...... for someone who is a visual learner?

  5. How lovely, and being able to promote tatting, beautiful necklace. I hope the jewellery show goes OK with lots of sales.

  6. Thanks, everyone. All these shows sure keep a person busy!

    Sus, a good beginner tatting book is "Learn to Tat" by Janette Baker, and a DVD of videos is included with the book. It's available from Annie's Attic, too:

    There are so many good tatting websites, but I'll mention just one, Sharon's Tatting at
    She has good videos on her site.

  7. Thank you so much! I will check it out this instant!
