
Thursday, October 11, 2012

The pattern is ready! "Rotation" pendant in beaded tatting

 It's done! By popular request, I've written up the pattern for this design, entitled "Rotation".

The skill level is listed as advanced, mostly because working with beads is fiddly. My videos on YouTube show many techniques such as tatting a bead inside a ring, so those may be helpful. Since this pattern uses size 20 thread, working with the beads is a little easier than when using size 10 thread, because the beads can be hooked directly onto the tatting thread using a small steel crochet hook - no need to bother with a fine helper thread to transfer the bead as when using a thicker thread.

The pattern also contains in-progress photos and a diagram with stitch counts. I've listed it for sale in my Etsy Shop. If purchased on Etsy, there is a delay of up to 24 hours, since the pattern is sent as an attachment to an email.

I'm also listing it for sale in my Craftsy pattern store. Patterns purchased on Craftsy are instant downloads.You need to sign up for a free Craftsy membership to buy patterns on Craftsy, but you don't need to be taking any of the classes in order to shop there or post pictures of your projects. Show the world that tatting is not a lost art by posting your tatted projects there and put "tatting" somewhere in the title so the search engine can find it.

Anyway, this new "Rotation" design is one of my personal favorites! I hope to make many of these in different color combos.


  1. Always fascinated by your designs. It is very lovely. I can see a pair of earrings to match using smaller size thread!

  2. Thanks!
    Phyllis, I like your idea of tiny earrings in smaller thread, but the beads would have to be proportionately smaller as well in order to get everything to fit. Earrings could also be made using the center part of the design only, leaving off the beaded rings. Lots of possibilities!

  3. Love this pendent. Does your satin ribbons come with the clasp attached or do you make them?

  4. Gorgeous design, lovely colours... love it!

  5. I saw the pendant in your esty store yesterday and thought it was totally gorgeous, Thank you allowing us to buy the pattern

  6. ¡Qué lindos!...como siempre ;)

  7. Gorgeous pendants!

  8. I just bought it on your Esty Store! :DDDDD
    It 's so nice!
    I hope to receive the pattern soon ^^

  9. Thanks, everyone.

    JB, I add the clasp and extender chain to the ribbon myself. I do it similar to the method shown in Beadaholique's video except I fold the ends of the ribbon over twice before adding the crimp.

  10. Love this!!! Very well done!

  11. Very elegant, just love all the beads

  12. I love this pattern. I see lots of christmas gifts with this. Thank you. I'm off to your Etsy shop.

  13. AWESOME!! I just love your work.
