
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tollway Tatters at November gathering

 Tollway Tatters have such a good time! The people in our group all live some distance from each other, so we get together at a midway meeting point, which just happens to be a rest stop on the Illinois tollway.

I showed up "over dressed" this time because I forgot my tie-dyed t-shirt, our group's "uniform" :-) But, I was wearing tatting, so it was okay.

We brought along our tatting projects and many gifts were shared! Thread of many colors and types, shuttles, beads, filigree findings, and more. We also got to peek inside each others tatting pattern books. So many new ideas that I want to try now!


  1. It always sounds like you guys have so much fun.
    I'm glad

  2. We did have a wonderful time! We are a lucky group to be able to get together.

  3. What an awesome looking day!!! :)
    Hope to be able to join you all again soon! :)

  4. I think it is so fabulous that y'all can get together! So fun!
