
Friday, February 1, 2013

Just a hiccup, and "Snowflake" HDT

"Snowflake" hand dyed thread, size 80

Tatting "surgery" in progress
I took a break from the elaborate choker project, to dye a new batch of thread to list on Etsy. It's the "Snowflake" batch, inspired by the lovely photos on

My choker project was moving along nicely, until I ran into a "hiccup" (a large problem that we shrug off as a small one). I had my original rough design all worked out, and was tatting a "good" model while writing notes, when more than halfway through, I discovered that it wasn't fitting together right. On closer inspection, it became obvious that I had started with one of the flower motifs turned wrong way around. The design just didn't work with that mistake, so, after a minute or so of being in shock and disbelief (how could I have done that?!!) I got the scissors and cut out the mistake. I think I can just re-tat that flower and connect it back in correctly...I hope.


  1. LOL ahhh I hate those moments! That's how I felt when I got to the point at the end that I realized something was wrong and missed a picot waaaaay back throwing the whole thing off! Uggg! LOL ;-) Crossing my fingers for you that your fix will work!

  2. Uy...¡qué pena!, es defícil arreglar los errores en este tipo de tejido, pero creo que con tu experiencia lo lograrás muy bien.

  3. Snowflake is gorgeous! is one of my favorite web sites, and the kids at school enjoy it also!

  4. That colorway is so gorgeous!!! :)

  5. oh, so sorry for the need to snip. It always feels like I am cutting a part of me when I do that.

  6. Beautiful thread! Oh no, such a shame to have to snip. Deep breath....

  7. Oh that picture of cut lace is Sooo familiar. I feel your pain...that moment when you first try to convince yourself that it 'might' work that way and then realize that no, all that work was for naught and then the sad sound of snipping.

  8. Oh dear, now as you are a master at tatting it just goes to show mistakes happen, I hope you can de do it and sort out the problem as I thought it was looking so good,
    Your new thread colour look beautiful.
