
Monday, February 18, 2013

Tollway Tatters having fun!

 Another get-together for the Tollway Tatters! Here Lace-lovin Librarian - Diane and I are tatting, with the table loaded with Diane's latest batch of origami bags and some new tatting books.
 The group of us gathering at the table, inside the Hinsdale Oasis, Hinsdale, Illinois.
 Diane gifted each of us with an origami bag for our very own! Her colorful spinning wheel mats from Mary Konior's pattern are in this photo too, along with some of Denise's bookmarks.
 Yummy cookies! Home baked by none other than...
 ...Sue Anna - the "Scribinator"! :-)
 Carol showed us beautiful ornaments tatted by Cathy's mom. The heart with 3 buttons is a pattern by Debi Pennington. The other tatted heart is a free pattern on the Handy Hands website.
 Barbara modeled her button star pendant - fabulous!
 There seemed to be a general agreement that I should make a bracelet to match my new choker collar. What do you think?
Diane with some of her spinning wheel glass mats, in an assortment of hand dyed threads.

Everyone seemed to have a great time, I know I did! We even got some passersby interested, and they stopped to watch and ask about tatting. So, I guess we helped educate the public, too.


  1. Very chic as a bracelet, Marilee! It has real appeal.
    Fox : )

  2. Wow!!! Looks like wonderful tatted items!!!!!! Love all the colors and designs!! :)
    Glad you all had a wonderful time!! :)

  3. It looks like a wonderful day you all look as happy, nice to see you all.

  4. thanks for these pics about your tatting meeting.. is always a good time sharing with our tatting friends personally...

  5. looks like you all had fun.
    That would make a very elegant cuff bracelet to match your new choker.

  6. Oh, what fun! I'm so glad you took a nice photo of Barbara's necklace. With the new camera, a few of my pictures are very blurry (I kno, learning curve).

    Already looking forward to the next time we gather ; )
