
Friday, January 17, 2014

Snowflake and Android

 Getting back to life after writing a pattern book - whew! There's lots of laundry piled up and cleaning that got put off while I was focusing my energies on the book. Feeling a bit more normal now, and looking forward to seeing the printed book, which is still in queue at the print shop. I'll let you know when it's done - for sure!

Meanwhile, I've discovered that my Android-based smartphone and tablet (mine's a Nook) don't like to download files from a link, such as the download link on Etsy. It's easier to download the file on a computer first, and then transfer to the mobile device, either by usb cable, or simply by emailing the file to yourself, then opening the email attachment and saving it to your device that way. By the way, I discovered that my Nook didn't have Adobe Reader when I tried to view the file. No problem, Adobe Reader is a free app, installs quickly, and displays PDF files perfectly, complete with page index to get to the page you want quickly. I like how the pictures can be zoomed for a closer look and that I can have my patterns with me wherever I happen to be tatting.

I've started on a white and sky blue set using patterns from my new book - the photo below shows my progress so far. And, oh yes, I hand dyed some thread this week! That's the "Snowflake" colorway in the top photo.

For those looking for posts on how the Greater Milwaukee Tatting Guild is doing, they've had their own blog for a while, and you can see the guild posts at


  1. Wow I just looked a the tatting guild meeting and I wish I was there looks like fun to have so many meet in one place and all the beautiful thing it's great.
    Also your blue and white so calming to look at love it and looks like one earring is made to just fun, nice post!

  2. Your blue and white looks beautiful, I am looking forward to your book, is this one of your designs in the book.

  3. I've been waiting patiently for the hard copy of your book. I know I could download the ebook, but I really want an autographed copy! :-)

  4. The snowflake colorway is gorgeous! The book is going to be fantastic! I can hardly wait!
