
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The winners!

Since there were so many entries, I added another prize package of similar items, and drew 2 winners. They are Chere Edwards and Marion Bartley. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway.
It was a wonderful surprise to me that so many people actually posted details about their random act of kindness, I wasn't expecting that - but the stories are truly inspiring! You are all so very kind, and helping to make the world a better place!!!


  1. So generous of you Marilee to add another prize. Congratulations to both winners they are certainly very fortunate.

  2. Perhaps we'll think of doing a random act of kindness even if we weren't the lucky winners! Very generous of you, I'm sure your generosity will be catching.

  3. Congratulations to the winners, and very kind of you to add another prize.
    Thank you for doing the giveaway.

  4. So generous of you to add another prize. Nice to see what others are doing, too - maybe it will inspire more people to do something kind.

  5. DARN!! I missed it all because we were on a mini vacation. Great idea!

  6. Very generous Marilee, and congratulations to the winners

  7. Congrats to the winnwers, and again, THANK YOU!

  8. Congrats to the winners :)
    Happy tatting :)

  9. Marilee, just had to tell you: I got the most excited, squeeeeeeee-filled FB chat message from winner Marion Bartley after she had been notified that she won. If Chere is even half as thrilled, you made two tatters (Marion is a brand new tatter, btw.) VERY happy. That in itself is an act of kindness, on top of the generous giveaway.

    A "two-fer," if you will, you marvelous lady!

  10. Congratulations to the winners. Marailee you are so generous. just wish I had seen this earlier so I could get more of your lovely HDT.
