
Friday, February 27, 2015

Brilliant Sunset

 A new hand dyed thread batch, "Brilliant Sunset" has been added to my Etsy shop. These bright colors really cheer me up while I'm getting very tired of these dreary cold winter days. Usually about now I do my annual "Extremely Very Early Spring" giveaway, but since I've seen absolutely no sign of spring whatsoever around where I live, it'll have to wait a little longer.

Meanwhile I can't resist leaking just a hint of a few "spoilers" about what I've been quietly working on. I have a very big project in the works that involves designing and writing up several new patterns, so that's why I'm sort of quiet lately. Can't say what they're for yet and can't post photos until closer to summer...spoilers! ;)

The butterfly necklace in progress below is my own design (well, actually inspired by a vintage pattern but I added changes and the beads to it). If you would enjoy the challenge of tatting your own, the pattern is in my book Boutique Tatting. I will post another photo of the necklace when it is done, It's for a custom order. I don't do many custom orders, because hand dyeing thread for my shop takes so much of my time, but occasionally someone makes me an offer that I can't refuse. 


  1. Both, the thread colourway and the Butterfly necklace are spectacular !
    Waiting eagerly to see it completed... thanks for the sneak peek, though :-)

  2. Wonderful thread, certainly brighten anyone's day! Lovely butterfly too. It sounds as though you're very busy behind the scenes.

  3. The thread is gorgeous! Should lighten anyone's mood. The butterfly is wonderful, someone is very lucky.

  4. Love that colorway!!!!(as is very normal with so many of your colorways!!!). Now, I just have to "find" money to get some!!! :)
    Very beautiful butterfly!! :)

  5. Your new thread reminds me of the sunset in Greece and cyprus. Totally stunning and gorgeous.
    Spring is nearly here in the UK, I have snowdrops out and signs of plants coming back to life. Hopefully your spring is just around the corner.

  6. Love the colors - not so different from some of my photos!
