
Friday, April 24, 2015

Tourmaline is back

A freshly dyed batch of "Tourmaline" has been added to my Etsy shop! This color combination just seems so organic and goes with everything. It's one of my personal favorites!

Other news: my Shuttle Tatting Basics class on May 2 will be a "go"! Three students signed up, so my minimum is met, but there's room for more. You need to register NOW if you want to get a seat in the class, here's the link:

The class is in beautiful Shake Rag Alley at Mineral Point, WI. It's a wonderful place to "get away from it all" and learn a new skill in a peaceful, natural setting.

I don't have new tatting that I can show just now, but there is a big tatting project in the works that I will show when it's all done...spoilers! :)


  1. Love that Tourmaline thread. And the view of that 'retreat' looks so peaceful and inviting :)

  2. That is a very pretty coloway. YOu have such a good eye for colors to go together
