
Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer Trail

 Freshly hand dyed batch of "Summer Trail" thread has been added to my Etsy shop, in a variety of sizes.
The earring project that I started in a different hand dyed thread, "Roses", caused quite a stir on Facebook and even got a few favorites on Twitter, but I still haven't had time to finish. It'll have to wait until next week. This weekend I'll be at Shake Rag Alley teaching a beginning shuttle tatting class. A beautiful natural setting to learn tatting in!
I added joining picots for extra stability to the top rings, not shown in the original pattern from "Up and Tat 'Em".

Wooded surroundings at Shake Rag Alley


  1. Superb photography And perfect content & composition !

  2. Lovely summer trails HDT and enjoy Shake Rug it looks heavenly.

  3. I have both your Summer Trail and Roses HDT. They've made beautiful earrings and I always get compliments on them. They were both a joy to use.

  4. Beautiful thread, Beautiful earring and pattern,
    Hope you have. Great weekend, looks a beautiful place
