
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Outside my comfort zone with wire-wrapping

 Wire is not something I ever thought I'd do anything with. 

As a child, I used to watch my uncle pull copper wire out of old electric motors (he ran an electric motor repair service) and it wasn't pretty :) 

But while watching Aga Kruk's class "Wire-Wrapped Stones, Crystals, and Clusters" on Craftsy I was inspired by her exquisitely beautiful jewelry and decided to try some of the basics, So here is my version of the chandelier earrings project from her class. Do take a look at the overview of Aga's class with my affiliate link: 
it'll give you a discount.
I'll admit that it took me ages to be able to wrap a "simple loop" with any success (the wire-wrapping equivalent to the shuttle tatting "flip") but after that I've moved on to making findings to finish my tatted jewelry.

Grace's bracelet - design inspired by the Celtic tatting of Rozella F. Linden
The bracelet that my friend Grace commissioned me to tat for her is finished now. I wire-wrapped a toggle clasp of gold filled wire to finish it. Looking forward to her reaction at our next get-together!
Showing the wire-wrapped clasp on the bracelet.


  1. Very Beautiful Green and I use to love wire making all kinds of things, I have to find some and take a picture and post one if I can find it!

  2. Thanks, Madtatter80, I'd enjoy seeing it!

  3. I tried a little wire wrapping back when daughter Joanne was making jewelry. It was fun, but I wasn't very good at it. I love your hand-made findings!

  4. Firstly, that Celtic bracelet is stunning. And wow, on the wire-wrapped clasp for it! Wow!

  5. Your earrings look fabulous!!! :)
    And the bracelet is wonderful!!! :)

  6. Thanks, everyone! I'm glad of your encouragement!

  7. Love the earrings, great design and well done on trying something new
    Great bracelet love the toggle fastening.
