
Friday, March 4, 2016

Hand dyed "Leafy" and "Stardate"

The "Leafy" batch is subtly shaded medium leaf greens, which are always useful to compliment showier flower colors. "Stardate" is an out of this world amazingly vibrant combo.

I'm tatting and photographing new things like mad, but can't show any of that at present. A publisher offered me the opportunity to do a book, I've got classes coming up, so I'm busy busy! More details later.


  1. Oh what a happy day! I just received my prize package and I'm thrilled beyond words ~ thank you, again, Marilee! I'm elated to hear about a new book!!! Can this day get any better? :-) Congratulations!! I had a feeling you were working on another secret project. Can't wait for the updates. Lovin' the new "Leafy"! Best Wishes, Fiona :-)

  2. I can hardly wait - a new book! The leafy green(s) thread is beautiful, and Stardate is one of my favorite color combinations.

  3. Congratulations! Your threads are always lovely.

  4. You've just created two more beautiful coloured threads. I've getting excited and looking forward so much to receiving my package.

  5. I love your hand-dyed threads! The colors are always so vibrant!
