
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

New hand dyed thread "Spooky" and Maker Faire photos

Black, purple, green, yellow, and orange were suggested to me as "Halloween" colors. They do remind me a little of fruity candy with black licorice :)

I demonstrated tatting at the Maker Faire Milwaukee this past Sunday afternoon, and had many people stop by to watch and ask questions about what I was doing. Several children watched me make one ring tatted butterflies that they could take home. One woman even sat down for a half hour lesson! Hopefully she'll be coming to future meetings of the local tatting guild.
That's me demonstrating tatting at the Maker Faire!

A one ring butterfly in progress

There were lots of inventive contraptions at the Maker Faire

Where we'd be now, if the Wright brothers hadn't been successful :)

Sighting of a Dalek at the Faire! I wonder where Doctor Who was?


  1. Looks fun! And a few more people now know what tatting is, hooray.

  2. Wonderful color and I love your one ring butterfly!

  3. You attend such interesting events! I love all of your hand-dyed threads, and this one is really interesting. I feel the urge to eat licorice and candy corn now!

  4. Wow!! Looks like an exciting event with all those unique things around!! :)

  5. Thanks everyone! Yes, it was an interesting event, and I hope to take part in it again next year.

  6. Love the new colors and will take a little thought as to what color in plain to use with this variegated. Love the creativity of all kinds seems this was a great event!
