
Tuesday, April 18, 2017


 At last spring is bursting out all over!
I'm really enjoying it after the bleak winter we had around here. Since I'm involved in church music (singing in the choir and playing the cello) last week was very, very busy! Saturday night the church looked especially lovely and I got into the photo with the flowers. I'm wearing pink "Grand Aura" tatted earrings, and below is a close-up of the earrings.The pattern is my own, found in the Up and Tat 'Em book.

For Sunday morning, I chose a pair of aqua tatted earrings, done in the Celtic knot pattern from Celtic Tatting Knots and Patterns by Rozella F. Linden. I started the earrings at what would have been the Greater Milwaukee Tatting Guild meeting on April 10, except the meeting was poorly attended due to weather conditions and people having other commitments. It's still fun to tat in public, anyway!


  1. Beautiful pink earrings love the pattern
    Lovely green earrings,

  2. I love your earrings! The weather was nasty last week, but it sure was pretty today!

  3. Wow, love the Celtic knot, you are so talented. Tat em Up is on my fav list now!

  4. Lovely tatted earrings Marilee. I always enjoy seeing your work.

  5. I am so glad that you were also occupied with Easter Sunday activities too :) love the earrings and they are so lovely, amazing how the color changes everything to where you can't recognize the pattern :)

  6. Love the earrings & the spring in your eyes as well as the background :-)

  7. Both pair are lovely and your crocuses are gorgeous!

  8. You always wear such lovely earrings. I believe I have these books so I must try a few more earring sets.

  9. Wonderful earrings! I love wearing a pair and seeing people try to discretely examine them!
