
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Metallic thread experiment 2 = success!

This time I tatted my Atom in Simthread. It’s finer than size 20, so I added a few more double stitches. (6 instead of 5 in the center. 8 sets and 13 sets in the “orbits” instead of 7 and 12.)
The work in progress

 The Simthread from Rita Richmond at Shuttle By Design worked well! I was able to tat my split rings around beads and close them without problems. The thread also stood up to undoing mistakes.
 I still need to finish the ends of the necklace chain before listing this atom in my Etsy shop.
 This new colorway I call “Solar Flare”. Only a test batch, so just a few skeins listed in my Etsy shop

Want a chance to win some hand dyed thread AND help out one of my friends who is battling Multiple Sclerosis? Donate any amount at this Go Fund Me fundraiser and let me know about it in your comment below. I’ll choose a winner from those who helped.


  1. So many lovely threads, yours and the metallic thread, thanks for demonstrating The use of them

  2. Great atom pendant!!! :)
    Love Solar Flare!! :)

  3. The thread has a lovely sheen. Glad it worked!

  4. The Atom looks great in metallic thread. I don't have any Simthread, I'll try with the DMC although I have no great hope since I failed miserably to produce the snowflakes I wanted so far :(
    Thank you for sharing your friend's story. I just went to Go Fund Me to read about it and take part in the fund raising. I hope many will follow and allow Rod to get the new chair.

  5. Thank you very much! Any size contribution to the fundraiser for Rod's power wheelchair gets you a chance to win hand dyed thread! I will choose the winner on Monday, December 4.

  6. This Atom looks gorgeous!
    My best wishes and luck for raising the much needed funds.
