
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Pink squares for the Brussels' monument project

Cathy De Greef is the organizer of this monumental project.  For details, see her YouTube video:  She also has another video showing how to do the pattern. 

I plan to do as many squares as I can for a while, then I'll mail them in. I think this worldwide project is so cool! 


  1. This sounds like fun, I would like to add that sometimes it takes couple weeks to get mail in and if you use a regular size envelope and lay them flat to where they dont make envelope too fat it will cost 1.15 dollars to mail a few of them.I am excited too and thanks for letting us in on this 😄

  2. I think it's a great idea, am working on squares too.

  3. Another link to info about the "Tat A Monument In Pink" project:

  4. I showed to my daughter and she is now INSISTING that I tat pink squares. Eleven years old and ready to take on the world (through my tatting).

  5. I love this idea and are waiting to find out which monument in Brussels she is doing,
    I'm hoping its the one they built in 1958
    I have already done some squares and the shuttle is ready to do more

  6. I reread some comments and i too wondered what monument she is covering is it a naked lady😄ha ha ha!?

  7. I am guessing that the monument referred to is the building shown at the beginning of her video:
