
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

June flew by

Tollway Tatters - June 23, 2018
 Tollway Tatters is always a good time with good friends. The Hinsdale Oasis on the Illinois Tollway is sort of a centrally located gathering place. Follow Lace-Lovin' Librarian's blog for up-to-date info about the next meeting. Tie-dyed t-shirts are optional! Everyone was working on impressive projects at this meeting, while I brought along a new pattern that I had purchased from JTatter on Etsy, the Tetrahedron earrings. I puzzled over it for the entire time there! Later, at home, I was able to understand it, and the finished earrings are shown at the end of this post.
My fresh paint and wallpaper home improvement project completed
 The stairway in my home had been the "gallery" of my children's drawings and school projects for many years. Since my "kids" have all been fully grown up for quite some time now, I finally decided it was time to take the faded, dusty, peeling papers down, paint the wall a new color, and bring a calming view to a windowless wall with a wallpaper frieze from Bradbury & Bradbury.
That's me trying the Lunar Module landing simulator at the Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio
 The family vacation destinations included the Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio (hometown of Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon). Lots to see, very educational and great fun!
View of Cincinnati, Ohio
 We then continued to Cincinnati, Ohio to see a lot of the sights there, including watching our own Milwaukee Brewers play baseball in the ballpark of the Cincinnati Reds.
A beautiful sundae! Maybe the inspiration for new hand dyed thread.
 This sundae from Dairy Queen looked so pretty I took a picture of it! I'm getting a color idea for more hand dyed thread. By the way, my Etsy shop is digital only mode (vacation mode for me) just a bit longer, then I will have new plans for it.
Tetrahedron earrings, tatted from JTatter's pattern.
 I've finished a pair of Tetrahedron earrings from JTatter's pattern! For these I used size 20 hand dyed thread (Solar Flare) with size 3mm Swarovski iridescent pearl beads in Light Blue, and wire wrapped the niobium ear wires myself. 
JTatter's tetrahedron pattern in my own hand dyed thread and hand formed ear wires.


  1. Love those earrings! Thanks for giving a glimpse into your life.

  2. It was so great to get to see you again at Tollway Tatters!!! :)
    You did great on your earrings!!! :) I love your handmade wires!! :)
    No fair, no tempting us with ice cream!!! ;)

  3. I Love your post and everything in it !!!

  4. Love,the earrings, that ice cream looks yummy I could just do with that in this heatwave
