
Monday, June 21, 2021

Tatting the "Vision" necklace demo


The "Vision" necklace video demo is on YouTube here: 

The pattern is my original from 2009. To download the free PDF click here.

Many techniques are used in this design, including strung beads on a long picot, beads placed over picots, Victorian sets, and split rings. 

Let me explain about the way I did split rings in this pattern: I started each split ring with shuttle 1. This causes the split ring to turn over "back side" when it's finished. Important in this pattern because there are differing stitch counts on each side to cause the row of rings to curve. If started with shuttle 2 the split ring won't turn over and that would cause curving in the wrong direction for this design.

Split ring in progress

Row of split rings

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Jubiloso doily in color!



All done! I'm really pleased with the placement of the colors. The complete list of the thread colors I used are on my previous post. The Jubiloso pattern is listed in my Etsy shop

I put a short video of the process of tatting this doily on TikTok, and was very surprised it went somewhat "viral" with over 65 thousand views at the time of this writing. Well, there's 21st century technology being put to use for learning about handcrafting and art, I think that's a step in the right direction.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Jubiloso doily progress continuing


Round 7

As of this morning I have rounds 10 and 11 remaining to do. I'm pleased with how the color choices look together! So here's the list, in order of appearance:
  1. Lizbeth 612
  2. Lizbeth 630
  3. Lizbeth 615
  4. Lizbeth 608
  5. Lizbeth 622
  6. Lizbeth 612
  7. Lizbeth 630 and hand dyed "Tulip Jimmy"
  8. Lizbeth 667 and 624
  9. Various hand dyed greens, including "Leafy", "Celery", "Forest", and Karey Solomon's "Map of the World"
  10. Lizbeth 667
  11. Lizbeth 676
Photos of the finished doily will be posted when it's done! The original pattern for Jubiloso is listed in my Etsy shop.
Round 8

Round 9