
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Jubiloso doily progress continuing


Round 7

As of this morning I have rounds 10 and 11 remaining to do. I'm pleased with how the color choices look together! So here's the list, in order of appearance:
  1. Lizbeth 612
  2. Lizbeth 630
  3. Lizbeth 615
  4. Lizbeth 608
  5. Lizbeth 622
  6. Lizbeth 612
  7. Lizbeth 630 and hand dyed "Tulip Jimmy"
  8. Lizbeth 667 and 624
  9. Various hand dyed greens, including "Leafy", "Celery", "Forest", and Karey Solomon's "Map of the World"
  10. Lizbeth 667
  11. Lizbeth 676
Photos of the finished doily will be posted when it's done! The original pattern for Jubiloso is listed in my Etsy shop.
Round 8

Round 9