
Friday, August 20, 2021

Choose "Forgot Password"

When I've told interested tatters that the center of this necklace is the "Celtic Triangle" pattern from my "Next Steps In Shuttle Tatting" class, some of them have replied that they had a Craftsy account in the past but can't log in to the newer site that set up in 2020. Here's the fix:

Go to and select the log in icon in the upper corner (it looks like the outline of a head).
Fill in the email address that you used for the previous Craftsy or Bluprint website.
Then, select "Forgot Password". (Do not put in your old password, it won't work. You have to reset your password this first time.)

They'll send you an email with instructions to reset your password. After that's done you will have access to all the classes that you had purchased in the past!

If you still are having trouble logging in, email and they will help you solve any problems you may have.

Okay, so that's how to get the pattern for the center, which is finished as a pendant in my original design. The rest is just experimentation, each time it is slightly different. Just having fun!


  1. I very handsome necklace. I can see many uses for it besides just adorning a neckline. Especially in your lovely colorway!

  2. Thank you! Great idea, Picotsnkeys, there are indeed many other uses.

  3. Beautiful necklace, thank you for the instructions to get onto craftsy

  4. Beautiful shape and design! Perfect 💜
