
Thursday, December 2, 2021

After several tries "Holly's Heart"


When I saw the original vintage photo on Ribbonwinners and the lovely pattern redesign by Lily Morales I decided to give it a try.

Although both the written pattern and diagrams are extremely well done, for some reason I just couldn't wrap my little brain around it enough to be able to follow it. I was ready to give up, but then took a look at the vintage original another way. 

The center is simply square blocks stacked up. 
They're turned at an angle to form the basic shape. 
Additional triangles fill in the gaps to make the heart shape. 

Since I do understand how to "climb out" using split rings, I decided to tat a row of blocks. And then "climbed out" to tat another row of blocks. I was able to finish the heart by taking a section at a time, in 3 sections. So, 3 sets of tails to sew in, not as clever as Lily's method which leaves only 1 set of tails, but I'm happy just to have been able to finish the heart! ♥


  1. Interesting way of achieving an almost solid centre.

  2. Beautiful !!! Wish I could solve those type problems.

  3. Beautiful heart,glad you solved the pattern, sometimes som,e patterns just dont always work as well as others but you solved it,

  4. I'm so glad you gave this pattern a go! When I tatted my first try, I adapted her instructions also, The second time I got closer and it looked "ok" enough that I spent time adapting the concept to tatting a piano. It worked, but it still looked rather flat. I wonder if the design concept would work for tatting a cello or violin????

  5. @picotsnkeys, a tatted piano, wow! Yes, it seems the concept could be used to tat many shapes.

  6. W O W ! ! ! this is beautiful. Job well done.

  7. I love split rings; I have to try this. Thanks for posting it!
    Is there any news on when the Greater Milwaukee Tatters Guild might meet again? I discovered its blog page just before COVID hit!

  8. That looks amazing! Not sure I could be up for the challenge .

  9. I led the Milwaukee tatting group for 7 years (plus another group before that). I'm burned out in that regard. (◡́.◡̀)
