
Monday, March 21, 2022

Thinking about tatting a Time Vortex Manipulator


This "Sewing Circuits" kit from has been in my possession for almost 3 years. It's really just a middle school level kids fun thing, so I really should stop feeling intimidated by the whole concept of making something electrical. Electrical!!! Oh yikes, it's just a small battery to light up a tiny light bulb with a circuit made of special conductive thread. 

So, with the Dalek finished, I began to think about other cool objects found in the stories from the Doctor Who series. The Time Vortex Manipulator (from the 11th Doctor, I think) is worn as a bracelet, so I may be able to do that. The actual prop looks like leather, but a tatted lace one would be elegant and it seems that it could be made to light up.

In spite of whatever else goes on, Spring still comes! Here are some crocuses found blooming in my yard today!

Another pair of "Loopy" earrings finished. I used a narrow Celtic shuttle to tat the rings around the previous tatted elements. It's one of those things I've been doing by "winging it", aka tatting intuitively, but each time I do, I get closer to understanding the mechanics enough to be able to tell someone else how it's done. So, perhaps another pattern soon.
"Loopy" earrings
Blue and yellow because Ukraine :'(


  1. Pretty crocuses and fabulous earrings!!! :)

  2. Not sure about things electrical but I love your earrings!!

  3. It's been years since I've watched Dr. Who. Pretty soon you'll have a Dr. Who tatted collection! Love the earrings!

  4. I look forward to seeing the bracelet

    Wonderful earrings in the colours of Ukraine, I woukd love to know how you do the rings on the chain or are they just little rings threaded onto the chain,

    Spring has already come to us with the daffodils out and the trees coming out, just hope we don’t get a cold snap.

  5. Thanks! So far, I have figured out that the little light bulb is about 10mm in diameter, and 24 double stitches plus 6 size 11 seed beads on the core thread fit around it ;-D
    These oddball experiments are keeping me out of mischief!

    Margaret, I love seeing the spring photos from your part of the world! The only flowers outside here so far are crocuses planted just next to the house on the sunny side. I planted snowdrops last fall, but they haven't come up.

  6. You got this, time to light up the world. Can’t wait to see new pattern❤️❤️❤️
