
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Single Shuttle Split Ring in a Dimpled Ring

 Just sharing this little reminder photo that I made for myself, hoping it may help someone else! 

The story behind this is: I knew that I had used Single Shuttle Split Ring (SSSR) at the bottom of the Layered Ring Christmas Tree pattern before, but it had been a long time since I made one. So I had forgotten how I'd done it and started the loop tatted part before tatting the dimpled part of the ring, and found out the hard way that the ring absolutely couldn't close! 

Pardon my dust, but this is not a tutorial on how to do a SSSR. Just a quickie note about how NOT to do it with a dimpled ring! (Also not a tutorial on how to do a dimpled ring.) ☺

The trick that I'm trying to show is to wait until after tatting the dimpled part of the ring before beginning the loop tatted section of the SSSR. In the photo above, you see the tail (yellow) where I stopped tatting over the ball thread tail, continued the dimpled part normally, and then started the loop tatting for the SSSR (white thread going to shuttle and the loop showing red and green).

I tossed my failed attempt into my sample box and started all over, finally managing to finish tatting a pair of sweet Christmas Tree earrings. 


  1. Ah, sometimes it’s the order we do things that is all important. Thanks. They are the sweetest earrings, perfect for Christmas.

  2. They are sweet earrings!! Enjoy them!

  3. Those are so fabulous!!! :)
    Thanks for the heads up since I am wanting to get that pattern. ;)

  4. Yes, it makes sense or that you point it out.
    I'm curious why you needed to do a SSSR. Was it to hide ends! It's okay if you don't answer in case ....

  5. Sending you some notes I have on split dimpled rings - I taught this in 2011 at Palmetto Tat Days

  6. Thanks, everyone! By the way, the pattern does NOT say anything about a SSSR, it was just my personal choice to end it that way.
    Muskaan, to answer your question, yes, the only reason I like to end with a SSSR is to hide ends without sewing.
    Crazy Mom, thank you for sending your notes! I received them and they look really good.

  7. Beautiful earrings, thank you for sharing how to do this type of split ring, never tried this way.

  8. I love your Christmas-tree earrings. I think I would just end with a normal dimpled ring too.

    Happy Christmas!
