
Sunday, November 26, 2023

Lilac Sea and Sea Green plus lace jewelry


Hand dyed "Lilac Sea" is a pretty sea green with purple. I took the dye for sea green, added a little bit more dye to make the color slightly richer, and did a few solid color skeins in size 20. Actually, I was trying to match a batch from years ago that I'm using in a current project, but the thread in my project is a little darker. So, next time I'll add a dash of black dye powder to darken it, hoping to not add too much! But the current skeins go very nicely with the "Lilac Sea".

A couple of pendants currently listed in my Etsy shop: the blue and white is from my free pattern "Star Capella" and the red is from a pattern in my book "Up and Tat 'Em". I added beads to the outer picots and a curled ring bail at the top, but otherwise it is the same as the "Five Petal Pendant" pattern.
Mélange earrings in Liz Metallic bright gold with red beads

"Loopy" earrings with Liz Metallic Iridescent and Lizbeth Christmas Delight size 20.

That's me wearing a bobbin lace collar made from Liz Metallic, with the sweater I knitted last year. ☺
Currently no eyeglasses since I recently had cataract surgery. I've been using reading glasses to see close work. Prescription bifocals will be next. I do notice that colors are a lot brighter now! ♥


  1. Hard to match a previous dye lot, good luck with that. These colours are lovely though.

  2. Wow! You've been dying all those gorgeous colors with cataracts?! That's pretty impressive! Glad that surgery is over with. I hope you find a good match with the previous dye lot.

  3. Beautiful thread colours and jewellery! I'm glad you got rid of cataracts! I can bet the world appears in a whole new light now.

  4. Everything is fabulous and I love your Christmas Loopy earrings!!! :)
    You look very beautiful in your bobbin lace collar!! :)

  5. Your color combinations are always so beautiful! I love your bobbin lace collar.
