
Friday, February 29, 2008

Here it is!

Here is my tatted necklace appearing in the magazine, Belle Armoire! Also, I am wearing the colorful necklace and earrings that I had been working on in previous posts. I think they do look good with black.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Well deserved. So pleased for you.
    Your jewellery looks stunning against the black.

  2. Very nice photo of your necklace you should be very proud to have it published. The necklace does look good against black and no it is not too much colour.

  3. This is such good news. What a wonderful lift to the tatting community. Well done!

  4. Congratulations! I love the smile on your face, and I agree... black sets off your pieces beautifully!

  5. Hooray! I am so glad you finally got it. I will try to get to the book store today and see if they have come in. I am so excited for you and for the tatting community. If only we could eliminate that dreaded comment, you know the one. It is very lovely against the black and you are glowing with happiness and pride. I love the picture!

  6. Thank you all so very much! They did a beautiful job of photographing the necklace for the magazine, and I'm thrilled that they made it so prominent on the page.

    I think the colorful jewelry does make an attractive "fashion statement", so I will do some more!

  7. Congratulations Marilee!! :)
    I wish I could get a copy of this magazine. I don't have a car...
    Your necklace that you just made looks so beautiful. And for those that know me personally know that the coloring of your necklace is something I would wear with a smile on my face like you have in your picture. Nice to put a face to a name too. Congratulations again.

  8. Beautiful -- both the one in the magazine and the one you're wearing. The color is striking against the black. It's so pleasing to see well-deserved recognition.

  9. Thank you for the lovely comments.
    BTW, a single copy of the March/April issue that my necklace appears in can be ordered online from Belle Armoire here
    Look for the words, "Order a copy..." and the shopping cart icons under the picture of the cover.
    Keep in mind that the pattern is not in the magazine, just the beautiful photo. The pattern is on my website, just click on the word "Vision" in the post.

    Oh, and if anyone who sees the magazine wants to write a letter to the editor saying how you'd love to see more of this artist's work, or work by other tatting artists who create "art to wear", hey, that couldn't hurt. (Remember, the focus of this publication is art to wear, so any tatting to be considered for this magazine has to be wearable, and it's gotta be an original design.)

  10. I'm hoping to find a copy in my Books A Million. If not, I'll order. I will let the magazine know how much we appreciate the article and think that more should be included!

  11. Kudos to you girl. Your smile says it all! Congratulations on a job well done and recognition you deserve...sherree

  12. Congratulations! The necklace is beautiful, as is all your jewlery. Hope you can get more of your works published.

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