This necklace is made in two halves, which are joined together while working. The left hand side (as you are looking at the necklace facing you) is made first; it is the half shown in the diagram. Then the right hand side is made, joining while working to the central picots. The neck cord given in the pattern is just a zig-zag chain, but embellishments can be added!
For pattern as pdf click here.
- Size 10 6-cord mercerized crochet cotton.
- 24 seed beads size 8 (8/0). These are a little larger seed bead.
- 9 pearl beads size 4 mm (referred to in this pattern as medium bead)
- 1 pearl bead size 6 mm (referred to in this pattern as large bead)
- "Lobster claw" clasp finding
- 2 tatting shuttles
- Small steel crochet hook for tricky joins and for bead stringing
String 19 sb onto the thread. Wind shuttles with 18 sb on sh 1, 1 sb on sh 2.
Start at large R 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (13 p) cl. Center R of 2+ (to first p of large R) 2--(3 cm when open, it will need to be able to hold 3 mb when closed with room to j) 2-3--(15mm when open, it will need to be able to hold 1 lg b when closed with room to join) 3, cl. Do not RW, SS.
Ch 5-4+(to 2nd p of large R) 3--(containing 17 sb, do not pull tight but allow sb to dangle with bare thread exposed on each end of p equal in size to about 1 sb) 12+ (to 7th p of large R).
Ch 7, RW. R 6+6 (to large p with 3 mb added before j).
SS. Ch 8, sh j to end of pr Ch. RW, SS.
Ch 11. Then sh j into the tiny space bet end of prev Ch and the R. ---
Now comes the row of SR "flowers". SR of 2p/3p, 1 ds bet. Note: the st on the back side of the SR are worked in reverse order with 2nd half, then 1st half so the st unbroken by the p are all on the same side. For this project I consider the "picots only" side up to be most effective in giving a flower-like appearance. Do a total of 4 of these SR. RW.
R 6+6 (to large p with 3 mb on it) cl, RW. Ch 11. RW. R4+4 (to small p on center R) cl, SS. Ch 1--(3 cm long when open) 12. Sh j to end of lower Ch. RW, SS. SR 6/5, SR 5/4, SR 4/4 SR 4/4, SR 4/3, continuing with ZZ Ch 4/4, p, 4/4. Sh j to end of 1st SR flower. RW. SS. ZZ Ch 4/4, sj to p of prev Ch. ZZ Ch 7 sets of 4/4. RW. R 5 + 6 (j bet 1st and 2nd SR). RW. SR 5/4. Slide up 1 sb from each sh. Secure with lock stitch.
Continue with ZZ Ch of sets of 4/4 for neck cord. After about 7 1/2 inches, end with R of 5+5 (j to clasp).
The other side of the necklace is worked in pretty much the same way, with some minor changes since it is mirror image to the first side.
Only 5 sb need to be strung, putting 4 on sh 1, 1 on sh 2. Start with the center R instead of the large R, joining with the lg b to the corresponding p of finished side.
You will need to RW instead of SS to do the Ch after the large R on this side. J to the corresponding p of finished side.
When j to the large beaded p, have 7 sb hang near the tatting, 10 sb away. RW and SS before the flowers on this side. The flowers are 3p/2p on this side. After flowers do not RW. Use sh closest to 6+6 R to make it.
After Ch 1+(with 3 mb to corresponding p of finished side)12, do not RW. SR row is 5/6, 4/5, 4/4, 4/4, 3/4. Tat the ZZ Ch neck cord for about 4 inches and then 8/8 split rings for about 3 inches or length desired. Finish with a normal 8-8 R, with the 3 remaining sb in the p.

Copyright © Marilee Rockley 2006
b beadsbet between
Ch chain
cl close
cm centimeter
ds double stitch
j join
+ join
lg b large bead
mb medium bead
mm millimeter
p picot
- picot
-- large picot
pr previous
R ring
RW reverse work
sb seed bead
mb medium bead
mm millimeter
p picot
- picot
-- large picot
sep separated
sh shuttle
sh j shuttle join, or locking join
SR split ring
SS switch shuttles
st stitch
/ separates stitches on each side of split ring, or sets of ric-rac tatting
ZZ zig-zag, or ric-rac tatting of set stitches (first half of ds repeated a number of times, followed by second half repeated a number of times, completing one set)
I love this in the pink!
P.S. Happy New Year to you and your family, Marilee!
Thanks, TattingChic! Happy New Year to you, too!
Happy New Year.
I was just browsing your site when my husband came and sat down behind me.
He really liked your tatted jewellery and when I would make such beautiful stuff!!!
This is a berry pretty necklace,Thanks for the pattern-I'll TRY to try it out!!!
Thank you, Vinnie, and Happy New Year to you as well! It sounds like this is the first time you have seen the "Vision" pattern. I think this is true of a lot of folks, and that's another reason why I'm moving all my patterns to this blog - so more people can find and enjoy them.
Yeah! Thank you for sharing this pattern. Here is first draft of the one I made. http://mickchick831.blogspot.com/
I can't wait to get going on another.
thanks for your lovely patterns !
Hi Marilee! I love this pattern but got stuck at the ring that comes after the row of SR "flowers". At this point the pattern says Ch 11 but my thread is way to far from the one I used to make the SR and following R. It's precisely where the row of SR starts. Pity I can't send you a picture. Is there a tutorial for this necklace or so ething that might help me figure out my mistake? Thank you. I'm t aking both your classes on Craftsy, they're awesome. Hope some day I can tat as beautifully as you do.
Hi Craftsaholic, whenever you've finished a split ring both threads should be coming out of the top of the split ring. Next, make the 6+6 ring (that one's just a normal ring, not a split ring). So, both threads should still be in the same place as they were, ready for the Ch 11. Hope this helps. Sorry, I don't have any other tutorial for this pattern. Maybe something I should put on my to-do list!
Hi Marylee,
How many yards thread do we need for this necklace?
Best regards
A Clover shuttle holds 3 to 4 yards of size 10 when filled. So, my guess would be less than 20 yards total, including the tatted neck cord.
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