
Monday, January 19, 2009

"Double Orbit"

I call this design "Double Orbit" because the round red beads (Swarovski crystal pearls) resemble 2 tiny planets in a close orbit - sort of. Tatted in my own HDT "Rhubarb Pie", size 20. I think folks may want this pattern, so I'll work on getting it written up someday. Maybe some variations will come to me as time goes by.

Another visit to the wonderful Miwaukee Domes gave me more color ideas for future batches of hand dyed thread. The next batch will include some 6 strand embroidery floss as well - there have been quite a few embroiderers visiting my shop!

The bottom photo gives a clue as to what I may call my next batch!


  1. Beautiful earrings, Marilee! You are right! Folks WILL want to tat this one up. I love the colors you did that in! :)
    You're gifted! In a really GOOD way! :)

    Oh, BTW, there's some giveaway-ing going on! Come on over for a visit! :)

  2. I really like these earrings! Even though I can't wear them, I can think of some friends and family who would like them as presents.

  3. Hi there! Thanks for entering my giveaway! Isn't that funny about the "multicolor" vs "variegated" thing? It was Peter from Snowgoose who corrected me on my use of "variegated" for all multicolored threads. Yup, he's the expert thread dealer; he's been doing it a Llllllonnnnnngggg time! Good luck in the giveaway! :)

  4. Beautiful earrings Marilee and is that orchids I see in the future.

  5. Isn't it funny where we find inspiration sometimes?
    Lovely earrings!

  6. TattingChic, I'm so glad you like it! I'll get around to writing it up. Thanks for alerting me to the giveaway.

    Diane, I'll try to come up with a similar pendant soon.

    Thanks, Tatskool and LadyShuttleMaker - the design just sort of "happened".

    Clyde, you're right, I'm going to try to capture that orchid.

  7. Your earrings are just beautiful! So very different and unique.

  8. Thank you Linda, I'm glad you like this earring design.
