
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Knit slippers and another treasury

The knitted slippers are done! Because I used a multicolored yarn (see TattingChic's post for an explanation of the difference between variegated and multicolored) they don't quite match, but I think they go together, and I'm happy with them. The soles are sheepskin, so they won't wear out quickly the way socks do. I bought the soles ready-made at a local yarn shop.

It was so thrilling to find out this morning that another one of my Etsy items got chosen for a Treasury Showcase! Click here to see the treasury - as usual with these, it's only up temporarily, so the link only works for a while.


  1. I don't understand how treasuries work or how you find them, but I think it's very cool that you are part of one!

    I love the slippers! That looks like a great way to use up my stash!

  2. The slippers look so warm and cozy!

  3. Thanks, LadyShuttleMaker, they were fun to make.

    Thanks, Diane. Actually, I didn't know what a "treasury" was either until the first time someone told me I was in one, LOL. Anyway, on the main Etsy page, way down under the list of categories, there are some "explore" links, and one of them is "treasury". There are a lot of them, and apparently there may be a chance of being chosen for the first page. The way I found out that I'm in one is the person who chose the items sent me the link.

    Thanks, Gina, you are right, they are warm!

  4. I love the slippers too! Congratulations on the treasury.

  5. Purrr fect. Love the slippers, so warm and comfy looking. And, I like the design too. I'm fond of Icelandic designs and colors (bright).
    What is the tag for Tatting Chic's varigated/multicolored information. I went to her blog but couldn't find it ~ so much to look at!!!! LOL
    I'm glad you are feeling better...
    Keep Warm.

  6. Thank you, Tattycat, so nice of you to say.

    Thanks, BJ. The "variegated vs. multicolored" part is on the post that I linked to, but it's in the middle of all the other fun stuff in very small print. I guess I should have repeated it in my post. Anyway, it just struck me by total surprise because I had always assumed the terms meant the same thing - yikes, I have HDT on Etsy tagged with the wrong description :-O

  7. Congrats on the treasury, the color is wonderful! And the slippers look so warm and soft. Great job.

  8. Thank you for all the nice compliments, Tattrldy! Much appreciated.

  9. I like your slippers. Did you knit them one at at time or two together on 2 circular needles? I discovered this method last year and you get both socks/slippers done at the same time! I make felted soles for mine because there are no yarn stores close to buy leather soles. I'll have to check out Milwauke for one!

  10. Tat19540, I just knit the slippers one at a time, on plain ol' double pointed needles. I bought the soles at "The Yarn House" in Elm Grove. It's an old house that is crammed to the rafters (literally!) with yarn.
