
Friday, September 24, 2010

"Knitty Gritty"

The latest "Knitty Gritty" batch. It's autumn-y, but different from the showy fall colors up in the trees. More like the dried leaves and seed pods on the ground, with some worn out green.


  1. Those colours are really pretty!!! Autumn is the best of the seasons as the colours are so vibrant!

  2. I love Knitty Gritty! It's one of my all-time favorites!

  3. Lovely colors! Your HDT is just yummy!!!

  4. It's a very nice autumn blend. I love autumn colors-usually the brights, but you thread really reminds me of autumn! :)

  5. Dark autumn colors are dark & mysterious.. Which is one thing fall nights are great for..mysterious things..

  6. A perfect autumnal blend! Really captures the essence of the season.

  7. Automn usually is my favourite season, but because of my job I moved last month and I feel a bit homesick at the moment.
    So on Sunday I decided to order this magnificent thread and others, as a "please-be-more-cheerful" present for myself.
    In other words, thank you for all your beautiful creations, threads and jewellery alike ;-)

  8. Gee, thank you all. I'm so happy to know that you enjoy the colors!

    Tat-ie, I hope the homesick feeling goes away soon. When I feel that way, it helps me to watch one of my old home videos or look at old photos. Seeing what the camera captured I notice that some things were actually quite annoying then, and a lot is better now. I don't know if that makes sense, but it works for me :-)
