
Thursday, October 7, 2010

I joined the Tatters Junction

"Tatter's Junction" is a new blog with many authors that was started by the same amazing lady who runs the "25 Motif Challenge" and "Tatting Books". To explain it, I'll just quote from the site:
"...a place where tatters can shout about the things they create and tell us where to buy it. It's a place for sellers of tatting and threads and shuttles can strut their stuff. It's a meeting place where sellers can advertise their tatting related wares and tell buyers where they can buy it. It's a place where buyers can come and find the perfect tatting related thing they are looking for and find information of where to get it."
Take a look at the "Tatters Junction" rules.

By the way, I just finished another batch of "Knitty Gritty" hand dyed thread, and it's now listed in my Etsy Shop.


  1. I so wish I could find someone to give me lessons on tatting. Thanks for all the info.

  2. Try the online tatting class offered by Georgia Seitz

  3. I've just finished a little autumn wreath with this thread and I absolutely love it!
