
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hand dyed thread "Campfire"

"Time & Again" tatted earrings
 "Campfire" because the warm and smoky colors combined with sunset colors remind me of a campfire at twilight. Just listed in my Etsy shop!

The red and blue colors from the previous dye batch arranged themselves nicely in these "Time & Again" earrings from the pattern in my book "Marilee's Beaded Tatting Finery"

The blue earrings are also from a pattern in that book.

"Melange" tatted earrings

This handsome guy winding skeins and standing at my display is my dear husband, Jan. His new venture is assisting me with skein winding and twisting, as well as printing off shipping labels. He prepared nearly all the skeins in the Campfire batch for me to dye. I expect that hand dyed thread batches will be listed in my shop more frequently, now that I have an assistant :)


  1. Wonderful new colorway!!! :)
    Love both pairs of earrings!! :)
    What a sweet helper!! :)

  2. Love this batch and the earrings too! I got to get back around to make more jewelry from your book :)

  3. Yay! Lol more handled thread is music to my ears. Campfire is gorgeous!

  4. Lovely earrings, great new thread colour way,
    Well done on your new assistant,

  5. Great to have assistance in skein winding - not the most exciting job, so good for Jan agreeing to help. Love the campfire thread and the earrings.

  6. Jan does make a nice addition to your display!

    My third graders were just asking about red, white, and blue thread yesterday. I don't think I'm quite ready to introduce them to HDT!


  7. Wow, you have quite an industry going on! Have you ordered a conveyer belt yet? :)

  8. Ever the efficiency expert, Jan has already moved his "conveyer belt" to in front of the TV...grin :)
