
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Stonehill Wine

"Stonehill Wine" has a grayish olive green which shades into a pale fuchsia, a brighter fuchsia, and finally a dark fuchsia/burgundy.

The tatted sample at left is from this new batch of hand dyed thread. I was trying a necklace pattern by Nina Libin that has beaded, reversing chains.The pattern is found here:

Saturday, May 24 I'll be going to Tollway Tatters! It's always a fun time when tatting friends can get together. I'll try to remember to take pictures there.


  1. I really like this with your yarn it is great and makes it unique!

  2. Wonderful colours, Marilee!

  3. That is so pretty! Will we be able to do some thread shopping Saturday? You know how I love to shop all things tatting!

  4. Thanks, Madtatter80 and Fox!
    Diane, I'll bring whatever is left, lol :) I'm really looking forward to our getting together.

  5. I was hoping to see it tatted and it's really great!!! :)
    I will miss everyone at Tollway Tatters again(cries!!!). I didn't know about it and we have plans. Hope you all have an awesome time for me. :)

  6. Beautiful colour, lovely pattern thank you for the link.

  7. Enjoy your meet tomorrow. Lovely thread. Your tatting with it looks so intriguing that I'm off to follow your link.

  8. You gather at the Hinsdale Oasis, right? May I ask when you are meeting tomorrow? I would love to join you!

  9. Julie, we'd love to have you join us! We meet at the Hinsdale Oasis, usually there by 10am or so, and stay for several hours.

    Sue, sorry to hear that you already have plans, but maybe next time. Tollway Tatters is usually a "spur of the moment" decision, so there's no regular schedule. But, if you ever want to come to Milwaukee, the Greater Milwaukee Tatting Guild meets on the 2nd Monday of every month

  10. Will you have some in your Etsy shop?

    1. May 24 I have my "shop" at Tollway Tatters - will list what is left when I get back.
