
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tatting Police

Yes, there really are tatting police. 

An Illinois State Police sergeant stopped by our table at Tollway Tatters last Saturday in the Hinsdale Oasis to see what we were up to, and was cheerfully given a tatting lesson, shuttles, and hand dyed thread! Now we have one of Illinois' finest hooked on tatting!

I want to mention a side note, before I continue posting about the fun times at the Tollway, that I'm feeling sad about the many copyright violations that have occurred recently. The pages of entire books, my own and those of other current tatting pattern designers, have been discovered posted on Google+. Every person who downloads one of these illegally posted copies is depriving the artist/designer of a sale. This is the same as defrauding a laborer of their just wages. This, combined with the shock that a magazine copied my designs without asking permission or acknowledgement (more about that on Corina Meyfeldt's post) has got me feeling a bit down about doing any more designing, but will hang in there.

On to the fun times!
Tatting shuttles were in abundance at the Tollway Tatters! There were Moonlit, Sunlit, Shuttle Brothers, and others, I can't remember them all. Lace-lovin' Librarian - Diane even got me to like the "Bad Boye" shuttles, with the way she cleaned them up, improved their "manners", and "dressed" them properly :)

More pictures of the fun below.

And, coming up, May 31, I'm teaching a beginning tatting workshop at Shake Rag Alley. Diane shared lots of her excellent teaching ideas with me, so I'll be able to get the new tatters off to a quick start.
3 generations of crafters!

Barbara looking for more patterns

Sue Anna and Lelia

Some of Lelia's tatting. The smallest hearts are Grace Tan's pattern.

Beautiful shopping bags from Lelia!

Handmade project bags by Lelia!


  1. That is neat! I sure wish you lived closer, I'd love to sit down and learn to shuttle tat. I love those tie-dye shirts you all had on too.

  2. Looks like everyone was having lots of fun!!! I would like to know where Lelia gets that tatting print fabric from.....we just get that type of good stuff up here in Canada!!!

  3. Pleas edin't stop designing! Your ideas are so fresh, original and beautiful! I am sorry for those who do not understand what they are doing or choose to do it. Hopefully there are enough of us honest people to encourage you!

  4. Looks to me like another awesome day!!! :)

  5. Looks like a lot of fun! And sharing tatting, too! Glad you all had a good time!

  6. Yes, getting together with other tatters really is fun!

    Michelle, thank you. The support from the tatting community is wonderful.

  7. Let's hope that a tatting lawyer will ever be able to solve the problem of stealing tatting patterns.

  8. I'm so envious of your little tatting group!

  9. I would love to come the next time you meet! I live in Chicago and would love to meet fellow tatters!

  10. It was a great day! I look forward to getting together again!

  11. BIG FUN!

    I hope you'll keep designing. It happens to all artists, I'm afraid. I'm a writer, and a lot of the authors I know have their books torrented regularly or pirated right on Amazon! This happens with music and movies too.

    We'll all just keep educating the world that this is NOT ok!

  12. Woot! I can comment today ; )

    Thx for the lovely photos and post about the gathering. Always such a fun time together.

    I've been tatting edge pieces - and hope to one day get my lt green origami bag embellished [the one from Diane].

    I saw the beautiful tatting on "tatting marie's" bag and would enjoy doing something like that.

    Later alligator

  13. Oh, it looks like you had so much fun! I wish I could have been there. Hopefully I can make the next get together.

  14. Ha! I knew someone would eventually be able to ferret out a Tatting Police Officer! Congrats!
    Fox : ))

  15. Wow, those funky multicoloured shuttles are amaaaaaazing!
