
Monday, September 15, 2014


For those who are looking for a neutral, camouflage, shaded khaki thread. This batch of my hand dyed leans just a wee bit to the olive side. I had in mind the image of an adventurer off on an expedition to an exotic locale, possibly with a military espy.

The earrings are tatted from size 20 of this batch. I added a brass corrugated bead and a gear for a steampunk style that an "adventuress" (female adventurer) would find pleasing. They almost look like they could be hiding some sort of mechanized ansible device (but they're not - they're only earrings)! Just fun!


  1. Wow, these earrings looks like whitch craft to me!
    Which craft did you say it was?

  2. Oh may things can be made with this variegated color, and those earrings are a fun start!

  3. Earrings are beautiful. The cog works great for the thread and design. Great colors on the thread.

  4. That thread is such a useful colour and looks super for earrings

  5. I'm not fond of traditional camo patterns, but I do like the colors!

  6. That's a gorgeous design! Is it one you've published yet?

  7. Thanks for all the nice comments! It wasn't until after dyeing this batch that khaki to olive colored clothing seemed to be showing up everywhere in town. I guess it was a subliminal persuasion that made me do it :)

    These earrings are essentially one-of-a-kind, although I still have gears so I could make similar ones. The design just wouldn't work without gears of the right size. It could be inspiration for more patterns, though.

  8. Where did you buy your gears? I do like your earrings. Nice!

  9. Thanks, Sherry, I bought the gears at Michael's. They came in a package assortment called "Industrial Chic".

  10. Oh I love these so much! I love steampunk as well as tatting so am enjoying all the steampunk things you are making. Sad to hear this pattern isn't for sale.
