
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Double Flower Celtic

My video demo of this tatted flower is now on YouTube 

There's a left handed video there too, but I am not ambidextrous! I simply use an app to flip the video mirror image. Here's the left handed link:

This simple design originally appeared in 2013 in this blog post: 

By the way, since I sometimes get asked: 
No, there will NOT be a needle tatted version, since needle tatting really isn't my thing. But needle tatters can absolutely tat this pattern using the tatting techniques that correspond to your tool.

Have fun tatting and stay safe!


  1. Love these flowers going to try these
    Thank you for sharing the pattern

  2. I saw these the other day and thought how cute they looked. Thank you for sharing the pattern. Now I have to figure out where my Celtic shuttle is.

  3. I'm glad you like them, and I hope you'll have fun with this little project. Thank you all for your nice comments!

  4. Again I have to commend you for your all of your amazing videos! So professionally done and easy to follow. This particular video is packed with so many techniques! And I've never seen a Celtic shuttle in use. I happen to have a skinny metal one but haven't used it. Actually haven't been tatting for quite a while, but I'm always checking the blogs to keep up with tatting 'news'. This pandemic has just stopped everyone in their tracks, but the internet at least keeps us connected. Thank you for staying the course and for contributing wonderful ideas to our craft.
