Friday, July 18, 2008

Teaching beaded tatting this fall, and bright solids

So I walked into this new bead shop wearing my red "Dream" necklace, and the first thing the shop owner said was, "My, what a beautiful necklace! Is that tatting? Do you ever teach beaded tatting? Oh, I'd love for you to teach classes here!"

Sounds too good to be true, but it is! The shop is called "Bead Needs" and is only one mile from my house. Just too exciting! The owner is an artist herself, and encourages creativity, experimentation, self-expression, and using quality materials.

So here is another opportunity to get more people started in tatting!
Someone requested bright solids.
I did a few in sizes 10 and 20.


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

How exciting! I hope you are able to recruit lots of new tatters! Your new bright colors are beautiful!

Tattycat said...

Congratulations. You need to wear that necklace all the time. You are doing so much to raise "tatting awareness"! Have fun. I love the new bright colors!

Marty said...

Congratulations, teacher! I'm wiping the drool off my keyboard over the bright solids. They're beautiful!

Gina said...

Good for you! What lucky people to get you as a teacher.

:-) Gina

Marilee Rockley said...

Thanks for the confidence-boosting comments! I've taught a basic tatting with beads class before, so it shouldn't be too hard. I've convinced the lady to limit the class size to 5.
I'm just a bit surprized at how many people like the bright colors! I thought they were a little "over the edge"; guess that shows I need to get "with it", lol.

Unknown said...

Now to add Teacher to your list of things that you are doing. You sure are keeping busy.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is bright and cheery rainbow of colors. Whoever you teach will be very very lucky to learn from someone as good at tatting as yourself. Yes, I like that "tatting awareness". Cute and true!

Salaam & Shanti Bariatric Yoga said...

Pretty!!!!! How about some lovely fall colors. Those are the ones that really catch my eye. If I leaf can be that color I LIKE IT!!!!

Marilee Rockley said...

Fall colors will be coming! I'll be doing "Knitty Gritty" and "Pizzazz" soon, and I'll try to figure out how I did "Sugar Maple" last year. It was one of my early efforts, but I think I can repeat it.