Monday, January 26, 2009

One World - One Heart Giveaway

I've decided to join in on this wonderful event hosted by Lisa from A Whimsical Bohemian, so click on the badge above to find out more about it. I first learned about this happening from TattingChic. Anyway, here is what will be included in my giveaway:

A copy of my book "Boutique Tatting"
2 skeins of my HDT in "Lavender Orchid" size 30
A set of 5 solids in size 30 to match the multicolored skeins of "Lavender Orchid"
And, a beautiful white necklace, hand tatted by me, in my original design "Bedazzled Butterfly".
You have until February 11 at 6 p.m. central time to leave a comment on this post in order to have a chance to win this giveaway. You need to either have an active blog or some way for me to contact you if you win - so that I can later communicate via email to get your mailing address. The winner will be chosen from a hat by one of my very impartial (and totally uninterested) sons. Winner will be announced on February 12.


1 – 200 of 271   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

I would love to get the ball rolling on this one!!! It's beautiful! I think I'll add a link to this one on that giveaway post on my blog!!! These are some fabulous gifts. If I won the book I would share it with someone to spread the love of tatting! :)

Trayna said...

I would love to enter your giveaway - you are SO generous. I simply love your thread and patterns. You are one talented lady.

Lilly said...

Your work is great! It's really wonderful and I'd love to win this giveaway. Please count me in.

Tattycat said...

Even though I already have the book, please enter me in the drawing. I would do like Tatting Chic and share the book with someone else. I'd LOVE to have that thread!

Unknown said...

your butterfly necklace is beautiful
and we get yarn to in my favorite color
please add me to your drawing if you get the chance drop by mine at
Carolyn Hartley

Sharon D. said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. I love your hand dyed thread's and patterns.

Digital Misfit said...

That butterful necklace is absolutely STUNNING! So delicate and beautiful. Tatting is such a lovely and feminine art.

Hugs from ON, Canada

Please pop by my blog for a visit and enter my OWOH giveaway too

Talking Horses Arts said...

Wow..generous and pretty giveway!!
Love all of them...can you please enter me?!!

Anonymous said...

Great give away, please count me in

KKJD1 said...

What a grand giveaway, please include me in your giveaway! Blessings, Karen

Tatskool said...

That's a wonderful giveaway...please enter me in it. the thread and your necklace are beautiful.

Laurie in Maine said...

Oh, beautiful! What a nice prize and I would love to be entered in your drawing. I'm a newbie needle tatter.

Jodi said...

What a beautiful butterfly. This looks really interesting and I would like to try to do this. Thanks for the chance.

Ellen Lyn said...

Very lovely--and generous! Please enter me in your drawing and come by my blog for another OWOH giveaway!!

Megan Chamberlain said...

Oh please Oh please let it be me. This is an amazing giveaway and your book looks fantastic. Please add my name to your draw.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Beautiful! I'd love to be the winner! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

Terri said...

I have no idea how to do this form of art. I would love to be a part of your give away. I'm particapating too.

stampgram said...

Oh, this is so wonderful...I love it all! Please pick me. I want to win this.

I am a OWOH participant too...#563. Please stop by and visit my blog at

Msquared said...

I would love to win your hdt, I Think it would be a blast to work with.

Count me in.


Sandy..... said...

What a Gorgeous necklace! I love it. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

AlwaysInspired said...

Such a great giveaway! Tatting has always intrigued me!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Your stuff is so beautiful! Very inspiring.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Beautiful!!! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I would love to enter the drawing too! I already own the book, but I'll share!

Doda said...

so pretty and delicate!

Please count me in!

Drop by and pay me a visit too!

Karin said...

Oh, I always wanted to know more about tatting, so please add me to your drawing. Your work is lovely!
Karin in Germany

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your hand dyed thread...I ordered "tourmaline" from the etsy shop and tatted a beautiful heart bookmark with it. Please include me in your give-away.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Very Pretty.....sign me up Please...((hugs)) stop by my blog too...Busyscrappin

Needledreams said...

WOW!!! This is so beautiful! I'm just drooling over the keyboard! The thread looks gorgeous!

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Wow-your work is dazzling! Something new to learn..YES! Please include me and stop by for a visit when you get a chance.


Mahala said...

Absolutely amazing! I am fascinated by tatting.

Letha Richardson said...

Your work is amazing! I want it all :0) It reminds me of my grandmother who is passed. What sweet memories. Please enter me in the drawing. I would be honored to be the recipient of one of your beautiful pieces.
Thanks- Letha
I am also #553 of the OWOH project or you can catch me on my blog at

Aisha said...

Oh wow! That necklace is beautiful! I love all your giveaways. Please count me in!

I'm #390 if you'd like to join.

luckygirlgifts said...

Absolutely beautiful work. I would love to win.
thanks for the chance
Cari B.

Kit said...

Wonderful giveaway! My grandmother taught me the art when I was seven and I never for got it. Come by and enter my giveaway too. Thanks. Kathy

Melissa said...

Ooooooo So pretty! I'd love to win too!

sewfunky said...

OOOH! I'd so love to win this, I've promised myself to learn how to tat this year...

Please enter me in your great giveaway and don't forget to head on over and enter mine (#144 on the gypsy caravan)

Lelia said...

Oh how beautiful!!! I don't know how to tat -- I must learn one of these days

Stacey said...

Beautiful!! I'd love to be included in your giveaway drawing! Thanks!

The Odd Bird said...

Your tatted things are so beautiful. Please enter my name in your drawing.

Angela said...

Add me to the list. I love your site and your HDT. I hope I can win some to try out.

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Your work is gorgeous! Please enter me and make sure to come on over and enter mine if you haven't already.

Gina said...

I think I just fell in love with a new (to me) art form! Please enter me in the drawing.

SpiritMama said...

Beautiful giveaway!
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

This is fantastic! I remember one of my grade school teachers tatting. Please enter me.

Willnnabel said...

Oh wow this is gorgeous, I would love to learn to do this! Please add me in your drawing!!


Jeff Hamilton said...

This is an awesome giveaway, Marilee! Please count me in.

khhast said...

Wow! How beautiful! Please enter me in your draw.

I have a OWOH giveaway too. Pop on over and take a look if you get the chance:

Rosemary said...

Beautiful giveaway! Love the white tatted collar.

s hyler said...

What wonderful goodies, I love the necklace. It is so nice to meet you through this event.
have a wonderful day,

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful butterfly and lovley colored thread/floss!

Would love to learn to tat.

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Lis said...

I'm so in love with the earrings I got from you on Etsy and have been following your blog since - so fun! Please count me in for the giveaway.

TAT19540 said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. I truley love working with your hdt, it tat's so wonderfully! Your work is beautiful. Thank you for givng some away.

Jan Thomason said...

so beautiful!
thank you for the chance to win a piece of your work! it's fabulous:)

i used to tat years ago.
sooooo much work!! and you do a beautiful job!!


Anonymous said...

Wowowow... what a GREAT looking book! And lovely threads... and FAB necklace!

I was a tatting crazy person a few years ago, but It got away from me and I haven't done it in a while. This book looks like Just The Ticket to get me going again.

I enjoyed visiting your blog, and look forward to coming by again soon. Come on over to my corner of Blogland to visit and munch cookies. And I have some giveaways too. :-)

So nice to meet you...


Proverbs3122 said...

Oh!Enter me please! :-)

carylsrealm said...

Wow! How fabulous! Please include moi! And stop by my OWOH!

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

~*I hope to win so that I can learn to tat, and wear your beautiful tatted creation!
I LOVE your etsy shop!
& The thread is gorgeous!!*~
What a treat!
Please sign up on my blog too!
I'm giving away goodie bags full of Swarovski vintage rhinetones, beads, trims and other fun stuff!
Amber Dawn

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

OH MY GOSH! This is a great and very generous giveaway. I'd LOVE to learn to tat. And if I win, I'd frame that butterfly its so beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing. I'd love to be lucky enough to win this. Pop over to my blog to say HI if you get a chance.
Patricia :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh MY! I love tatting! It is such an amazing art. It is so delicate and intricate. Please include me in your draw. I would love to win!
Carol :)

Patti G. said...

Tatting art is just beautiful,count me in please and thanks for the opportunity! Come play at my blog too if you have not yet! Hugs,Patti

Patricia said...

OOOOO-please enter me in your drawing. Do you think your book can get all these thumbs making that beautiful tatted lace? I sure would like to try (and sure would practice alot before using that gorgeous thread!) Please come and enter my drawing as well.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

cpullum said...

Wow I would love to win this! Count me in!

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

Holy Moly Marilee,
This is a DREAM giveaway!

mamatejedora said...

Hello Marilee:
I would like to participate in the drawing of these wonderful prizes, please can write my name
Thank you very much, greeting


Monique Kleinhans said...

I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful tatting work before...stunning. Simply stunning!

Please enter my name for your draw! Thank you for joining in the fun of One World One Heart! I hope you'll come visit when you have the chance. You can find me on Lisa's List (number 94) or just stop by:

moniquelk (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

WOW so glad I found your blog through this great give away. I have dabbled in tatting for years but never finished a piece. Your lovely work has inspired me to give it another go. Please include me in your generous giveaway, and please have a quick look at mine if you have a minute :)

Anonymous said...

I Love your work. I alrady have the book and would to share with someone else out there. Would love the thread. You are one talented lady.

Melanie said...

how very pretty!!! this would be something new for me to learn!!! please add my name to the drawing!

jjwiskus said...

Please enter my name
i have always wanted to learn how to tatt
check me out at light my torch

uniquecommodities said...

Count me in! Feel free to enter my OWOH give away. I am #319 on the main blog

Valerie said...

oh what a wonderful thought you have with this giveaway! thanks! someone will be lucky. :P

Puddles of Grace said...

I love the cello! I wanted to learn that instrument but for somereason Mom wouldnt let me... so I grew up playing the violin! I would really like to learn to tat!

Krystle said...

Hi! I don't have a tatting blog, but I'd love to be considered!

I love your designs!

I'm not sure if you can get ahold of me through my daughter's blog well, but here is my business email

Renee G said...

Oh I would love to be your winner. These are fantastic prizes.


Tina Leavy said...

oh my..I have wanted to learn how to tat. what a gorgeous give away! I'd soooo enjoy wearing a necklace like the butterfly. how gorgeous.
oh how very nice. please enter my name in the drawing. thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit my blog too when you get a chance

MimiD said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. I've enjoyed your blog and threads for quite awhile, the book for less time :) My guild could sure use a copy while I enjoy the others...

Cathy said...

What a fabulous and generous giveaway! I had started to learn to tat several years ago, but did not get too far. This year for Christmas my mother gave me an antique sterling silver tatting shuttle. It would be great to have some motivation to let that little shuttle start tatting again--and teaching me as it goes. The butterfly is gorgeous and so are your earrings. I will be back often! Thank you!

Cathy :)

Jona Panesa said...

wow, that is gorgeous. I would loved to learn how to do that.

Brenda said...

Wow, your tatting is amazing! Thanks for being able to enter your draw. (#574)

Anonymous said...

Your tatting is just beautiful! I would love to be entered in your generous giveaway.

Lynn Stevens said...

Wow , I'd Love to learn to tatt.Please enter me

Alexandra said...

Wonderful giveaway. Please add my name. Have a nice day. Alexandra

Bibi said...

Beautiful intricate work! Love your etsy too. Please enter me in the draw, and if you haven't done so yet, please go to to enter my giveaway too. My email should I be lucky enough to win is bibtie(at)hotmail(dot)com

HeARTworks said...

Hi! I’m visiting from the Philippines. Your prize is interesting. Don't know if I could learn to tat, but if I win, I'm going to try! I’m going to look around your blog now! If you haven't already, come play at my blog too!

Unknown said...

WOW what prizes. Please enter me in your giveaway also.

Karen 's World said...

You do beautiful tatting! I took a class once but haven't done it in a while. If I win I will have to try again! Thanks, said...

Such a generous giveaway! Please count me in!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Oh my, what beautiful work you do! I would be so honored to wear that beautiful necklace around my neck.

Please enter me in your OWOH giveaway. And when you get a chance,(if you haven't done so already)come enter my giveaway as well. I'm #73 GOT ART?

AwtemNymf said...

beautiful work! WOW! So dainty & beautiful! I love the skeins!
Please count me in!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I'm having fun traveling the road of OWOH.

Love your prizes, the necklace is beautiful as is the threads and the pattern booklet. Oh, and I heart your blog, and will be back soon for another visit. I hope you will stop by and visit me on your travels during OWOH

Tia said...

Oh wheee! More HDT! Please count me in!

Unknown said...

This is my first time participating in OWOH. I'm # 622.

I would love the chance to win your art. I LOVE TATTING! I have a few pieces from my grandmother. They are treasures.

fionakcrawford (at) gmail (.) com

Denise Felton said...

Marilee, this is an incredibly generous giveaway! I've scheduled a link to your post to go live on my blog tomorrow morning (Central USA time). I hope it brings you a few new visitors.


Kathy said...

Your work is amazing. I would love to learn this craft. Thanks for the chance to win
Kathy #577

Dawn said...

Tatting ~ cool! Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway draw.
~ Dawn.

Oh! and please do travel over to my
Gypsy Caravan #539
ART of Humungous Proportions

Anonymous said...

WOW - Your work is beautiful and your giveaway is fantastic. Please enter me in your drawing. I just started tatting a few months ago and am completely hooked on it. I guess I'd better set up a blog but in the meantime, if I win, you can reach me at Thanks, Terri, San Diego, CA

Tatfully Yours said...

I would like to enter your giveaway too. Your book looks lovely and the HDT would be wonderful to win! Thanks for the chance.

Latharia said...

What a beautiful lace piece you've made! I would be delighted to have it for my very own! And I would certainly try to learn to tat with those gorgeous threads! If am so fortunate to have my name drawn, please deliver the exciting news to me at latharia{at}comcast{dot}net! Please do visit my blog, too, for my giveaway of a customized mini-album! :D

SCTATTER said...

Please enter me in the drawing! This is very generous of you! While I have a copy of your book, I would love to donate one to the Palmetto Tatters Guild Library so others would have access to it.
Thank you for your generosity and the winner is one lucky tatter!
sctatter at gmail dot com



Please add my name to your drawing. :o)

Jenni said...

how extraordinarily beautiful!
please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm in too. I love the threads! How beautiful. I want to tat something in that shade for my niece. I teach tatting so the book would be very helpful. Lots of interest in tatted jewelry with my new tatters. I'm at

maria said...

Hello, I'm Maria, Portugal and I've been visiting your blog and your amazing tatting...congratulations, realy|||||I wish I could win this giveaway!!!!!!
Please, count me in!!
My best regards to you,

Bonnie said...

Even though I already have your great book, please enter me in your drawing.

Gina said...

Oh, how could anyone pass this up??? Certainly not me!

Unknown said...

You are an artist!. It is beautiful (ALL of it0. I would love to learn tatting. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.

free indeed said...

Ahh, lovely work! Now someone else was giving away the shuttle, so if I could win that WITH your book and skeins of thread, I'd be all set to try my hand at tatting! tHanks for opening this up to everyone. Click my name for a contact email...

Unknown said...

I love the butterfly necklace, its so pretty! I'd love to learn how to Tat. Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Sewicked said...

Do I really need to tell you that I want to enter your giveaway? Your thread alone is a temptation, then you throw in your book & your necklace, too? I drool. If I short out my keyboard, I'm blaming you. *wink*

seahagstudio said...

i would love to win this, i have never learned to tat!! your blog is awesome!! i am having a wonderful time finding all these new blogs! thanks, tracy

rainbows and raindrops said...

wow. that's generous

Lisa Gatz said...

I have always wanted to learn that. Please enter me in your giveaway.


WendyP said...

your tatting is awesome - thanks for sharing it with the world
smiles Wendy
hope you will drop by my blog too

Heidi Jo said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Please count me in! said...

Wonderful giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway; please count me in.

sue said...

love your tatted pieces; I do a little tatting but I am an amateur compared with you

Melanie said...

Beautiful tatting. I just learned how to tat this past summer.

mathbook28 at gmail dot com

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Love the butterfly. I have never done this artform, but I had a great aunt who made beautiful tatting.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Ottilias Veranda said...

Well now i want to learn tatting aswell! Where is this going to end?? Never enough time! I see that You play the cello.I have two daughters that are learning to play violin and I play piano and diasonic accordian myself.Love music! Please count me in and visit my giveaway #014 in Sweden

Anonymous said...

OMG - that is the most beautiful necklace!!! And someone can learn to do that -sign me I would love your book. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Dragonlady said...

My goodness, your necklace is beautiful, I love the look of tatting but not sure if I could do it, I would love to learn..thank you

Unknown said...

Gorgeous work you do, I'd love to one day be able to make something as wonderful as this :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! This is a beautiful giveaway! Thank you for your giving heart and a chance at this loveliness!

Laura S. said...

At one time I learned tatting, but couldn't find many patterns I liked enough to continue with it! Now I am inspired! I would so love to win this giveaway! Thanks for including me!

TatForFun said...

Wooow...what a lovely gift...
Make me even more in love with this tatting world. Make me more excited to work on my tatting and my blog
Count me in please _^

myownplace said...

So generous. Thank you.

Jenn Klee said...

Just amazing gifts! Drop by my blog for my giveaway.

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by #223. :-)

Vinnie said...

I want to be a part of this too!
I LOVE your work and the beautiful HDT's.
I would definitely want to have the book too.
I've already started praying to win!

Unknown said...

I love them! Thanks for the chance to win!

Singtatter said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! Thanks, Marilee! But you are not giving everything to just one person !?!

Reen said...

I have always admire your HDT colours. But never had a chance to purchase it. I hope to win. please count me in. thank u.

Zu said...

What a beautiful work! I would love to enter your giveaway

Corryna said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. You can also stop by at my blog, to enter mine.

Willa said...

Oh, my goodness. Just beautiful!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful butterfly you have made.


Susan Shaw said...

Your butterfly design is stunning. Please add my name to your draw.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! What a generous giveaway! What unique creation!
Would love to be included. Thanks for the opportunity to win.


trisha too said...

YES!!! We so want to learn to tat it isn't even funny, and were so excited to find TattingChic's site.

Do you have a book or some such thing you would recommend a very much beginner??

thank you for the chance!
owoh #177
easily amused, hard to offend

Jeanie said...

This is a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and if you haven't already, stop by The Marmelade Gypsy to enter mine!

Carol Schockling Lawecki said...

You are very generous with your giveaway!! I would love to enter for a chance to win your beautiful threads and book. Thank you!!

SuseADoodle said...

my chin is on the desk and I am trying to not drool.

my grandma tatted but i never got a chance to learn it from her. i would love to learn it and your book with the skeins of thread would be just hte inspiration for me to finally learn. and the butterfly necklace is absolutely fabulous!!!!

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"

Donna said...

I would absolutely love to be included in your drawing. Such beautiful work. I just can't imagine.

Sue said...

You do gorgeous work. I would love to try.

The Vintage Rose said...

What a delightful giveaway! The beautiful butterfly would have to be one of the most feminine things to wear!

threesidesofcrazy said...

I would love to learn to tat - my grandma always did such beautiful work. Please enter me and stop by to enter my spring themed wall quilt.


very nice- please include me

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ I would Love the chance to be a lucky winner in your lovely tatting giveaway.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Janine Davies said...

Beautiful work. I am participating too so please drop by

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful prize! I've love to be included. I do embroidery and would really like to try tatting! If you get a chance drop by my blog for my giveaway too. It's been so lovely to see your work.

Belle said...

I would love to win the tatting supplies. I have been wanting to learn how to tat.

Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Please add my name to your hat for the draw. Sounds like fun - may be offering something myself.

Franny said...

Such a grand giveaway! I have never tried tatting, but I would love to try it...I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many presents, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans!

Ninu said...

I came here from TattingChic's blog... Your work is so beautiful,I wud love to enter your giveaway!!please enter my name too

Alisa said...

What beautiful work you do. I love the color of those fibers and would absolutely love that butterfly necklace. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful!

SC Lady said...

Love your site, I'm just learning to shuttle tat, so all helpful visual tutorials are so useful.

SC Lady said...

Love your helpful site, I just learning to shuttle tat, so tips I appreciate and your visual tutorials.

Dottie said...

Your site is wonderful and your work is simply gorgeous! I would be honored to win this.

Please add me to the list of entries and if you have a chance, please visit my blog and giveaway (#669) Thanks!

MyCretanlife said...

I would love to do tatting, this giveaway would give me the insentive to have a go. please count me in. Oh and a big hello from Crete

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I would love to win this for my mom. She would LOVE this. Thank you for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Linda said...

I would love to enter your giveaway. Very generous. Your work is so lovely. Please count me in....hugs, Linda

donna said...

What a stunning piece of work! I've just ordered your book as a special treat to myself...can't wait until it arrives

cowgirltazz said...

Thank you for entering me in your drawing. What a great giveaway. I would love to learn this art, your pieces are gorgeous.

connie said...

I'd like to be entered in your giveaway too!
I have a blog now too.
Your butterfly is sensational.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. The colors are luscious! And the threads on your Etsy shop are yummy too.

Thanks for participating in OWOH!!


Shai Williams said...

I would love to learn to tat. And what a great start,


H J Hess said...

Marilee, All your creations are gorgeous. Thank you for being so generous with your gifts. Please do include me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Your work is so gorgeous, Marilee!
I'd love to be included in your "One World - One Heart Giveaway".
Sweet blessing to you!
Katie V
Creedmoor NC

Anonymous said...

Dear Yarnplayer,

I found this link through TattingChic and after searching through her page to find the link that would let me leave a comment I came here. I am most happy to say I found it. For many years I have envied tatter's blogs especially when I could not leave a kind comment about their work. Your work is lovely I love the thread colors the most. Now back to TattingChic's blog, the search is on!!!! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Dear Yarnplayer,

Hi again! I have started a blog here which I believe is called Shuttles, Needles and Hooks but I can't remember. I actually thought I would get an email confirming the name and password, otherwise I would leave the link. Any help would be appreciated, I'll probably be here all day lol!!!

Leeanne (

Nancy Markosky said...

I would love to win the drawing- I have been looking for something new to try now that my sons are grown and I think I just found it. Please enter me in your generous drawing-thank you- Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yes,yes! I would love to enter your giveaway!!Your patterns are sooo beautiful.Please enter me in the drawing!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have been enjoying looking at your beautiful threads. Please enter me in your drawing.
Donnelly Webb

Marty said...

I was not going to comment as I already have a copy of your wonderful book. But, OH, the thread and the necklace! How could I resist. I have a niece that tats who'd love to have the book. So -- here I am entering the lists.

Pike said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in the drawing!

Pirjo from Finland

Char said...

Hi from Oregon,

I am in absolute AWE!!!! Really! Tatting is coming back and hopefully, I can learn some day!

Please sign me up for your giveaway!!!
And, if you haven't yet stopped by mine, please do!


Beth said...

Oh, PURPLE! They HDT's are beautiful. And your tatting is magnificent! Please count me in your drawing!

#740 in the Caravan

ikkinlala said...

What a lovely giveaway!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

JeanneZ said...

Marilee, What beautiful work you do . I would be so excited to win your threads, book and that beautiful butterfly necklace. Jeanne Zukowski

Made by Melissa said...

How generous and beautiful!

Please stop my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway too:

Anonymous said...

If I could wish upon a star...
This would be my prize,
So out I went to look way up,
And I had a surprise...

Floating down were skeins of yarn,
And white butterflies,
Tatting from a heavenly place...
And I rubbed my eyes!

Woke myself to see instead...
This computer screen,
Dreamed I won your giveaway,
It was so thrilling!

Thanks for your generosity and kindness!

Betty said...

Ohhhh, I have always wanted to learn tatting! What a beautiful necklace! Please include me!

I am #283 on the OWOH list.

. said...

Wonderful giveaway!And I love your creations!

beenebag said...

Please enter me into your drawing!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what a generous giveaway! The butterfly is gorgeous. :) Please count me in!

And please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Your tatting is absolutely wonderful!!! I looked into doing it too but I don't think this would be a craft that would be suited for me. I love the look of it though. It's very vintage!
Please include my name and hopefully i will be a luck one!

Ruth @ Camellia Rose said...

Wow that yarn is LUSCIOUS! I love your tatted work - it really inspires me to finally learn! Please enter me into this fabulous giveaway :)

I'm having a giveaway too:

Renee said...

so unique and beautiful. Renee

Viki Banaszak said...

Just beautiful! Please enter my name in your giveaway :)

altermyworld said...

gorgeous!!!!! pls add me


Art on sistah,

beadbabe49 said...

Fabulous items...please add my name to your list and do visit my blog if you have time to see my giveaways.

Jingle said...

You do amazing work! Please count me in!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

Your lace is beautiful! and I love the purple!

'RainbowRose' Connie Faulconer said...

LOL WoW!!! I don't see winning this one, but count me in anyway!!!! Would be so honored to have a chance at winning some of your wonderful threads!!!! And patterns of course, not to mention that really GORGEOUS necklace!!!

DEY said...

What a great giveaway! I've always wanted to learn to tat. Thanks!

Andrea, the little collector said...

Gorgeous! My great-grandma tatted, and it's always had a special place in my heart. Your things are lovely!!!

Deborah Eley De Bono said...

I've not tatted in years. Your site makes me want to, again. Hope I win.

Drop by my blog #780 and sign in.

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