The area of the planet where I live is currently in the dead of winter, with no signs of spring as far as I can see...but we have hope! Anyhow, here are the prizes I'm offering:
One winner will receive two skeins of my size 20 hand dyed 6 cord cotton thread in "Summer Trail" colorway;
Another winner will receive one of my original "Wondrous Window" tatted pendants;
Third winner will receive a "big and little" set of two skeins "Tigereye" hand dyed - a size 3 pearl cotton and a size 100 cordonnet.
Just leave a comment on this post to have a

NOTE: If you have your own blog, your comment will automatically link back to you. If you don't have a blog, please leave your email address so that I'll have a way to contact you if you win.

I'll choose 3 winners on Monday, February 22, using a random number generator.
ooo that sounds cool ! I would like to take part in the contest ! Thanks. My email address is : moallem00@yahoo.com
I love the bright colors that you use. Needle Necessities used to make one called Voodoo Flame. I used it to do hardanger. It looked great on black. I gave all of my pieces away so I can't even send you a sample. But it was bright flame colors. Also they had like a carnival glass looking thread. Do you have differing sizes of threads? Do you do special requests? would try it myself, but you would never believe what a mess I can make out of anything!!!(I have a friend who laughs at me because I make a bigger mess while cleaning, I don't know how I do that)
I would love to have a chance to win some of your hand dyed thread. I learned to tat from my Grandmother. I love your designs too. Thanks for the opportunity.
Oh how I would love to win! We have skipped winter this year and it is just dull wet and dirty looking outside. These beautiful colors would sure cheer me up ;) My email is in my profile, just in case...
Exciting! You dye such pretty thread...please enter me in your giveaway.
janers41 at hotmail dot com
Count me in! lvanderboom@att.net. Thanks, Marilee!!
Great giveaway but could you include some Spring weather for us in the list too!!!!!!! I'm SO fed up with dull dreary weather!!!!
I'd love to be included in you give away!! Awesome prizes Yarnplayer. Your HDT Summer Trail is very pretty!! The pendant is so elegant and the Tiger eye is a very uniqu colorway. Thank you!!
All the colours are great, and so is the pendant which I have always admired, please count me in.
Wow, what a beautiful things you make. And what a nice colors you use. I'm a beginner in tatting. I've tried to make the carnival earrings I find on your site. I used embroidery thread (DMC), because I didn't find a nice thread in my hometown.
Greetings from the Netherlands!
Your threads are so pretty! Just the thing to brighten these dull, cold, grey days. :)
ohhhhh pick me pick meeeeeeee!! lol Love them all :)
I'm ready for spring, early or not! I would love to be part of your drawing!
I absolutely love your hand dyed threads! Your work is so beautiful. Please include me in your give away. Thanks! ♥
Would love to win your giveaway!
I would love to win your beautiful thread, will you add my name to the list please?
We would love some cooler weather here at the moment, it's the worst month of the year for heat, humidity and storms.
What a wonderful idea! I just love your threads!
How beautiful! What a wonderful way to spend the rest of 'winter' tatting with your pretty threads!
Please, enter me in your drawing!
I want some! That thread is gorgeous and I never have the money to indulge!
I follow you regularly. Love the things you are giving away. Hope I win something.
Oh, my! What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day!
Love the threads I've ordered from you. They are all such yummy colors.
Ah, spring. We have quite a while to go before anything green crops up. I would love to win any of your beautiful threads!
I love your work and would be thrilled to win! Thank you for doing this.
I love your threads! You know that and I am always on the look out for new ones I haven't gotten yet! I don't know how you do it! I have been working my way through your book and patterns from your site. So count me in too!
I cannot pass up a chance for more of your thread. Count me in!
Dead of winter here too, so any of your beautiful prizes would bring sunshine :) Thanks for the chance to change the weather - sign me up!
Would love to be a winner, especially the day before my birthday. Find it interesting to read your blog and have tatted your Arches pattern - was fast and easy. Have not gotten into HDT yet, almost hate to start. (But won't turn it down.)
Take care and keep up the good works. Robert in northern Iowa.
rjkent at netamumail dot com
I'd love to be included in your drawing. I need a little early Spring. The haze in the Valley is so bad anyone would get depessed.
This is so awesome of you to hold a giveaway. Please add me to the drawing.
I still think your pendants are so beautiful. Please enter me into your wonderful drawing.
cool! please count me in!
Oh, yes! I do love your colours!
Fox : )
Please, add my name in the list. Your HDT are always heavenly to tat with.
Please count me in. I love the color of the thread, Also love the stain glass, another one of my hobbies. We are both in the Midwest and I also am tired of this winter. Not sure if spring will ever get here.
I have been following your blog, your HDT colors are awesome and so are your jewellery designs. Thanks for sharing and please enter me in your giveaway.
A giveaway of exclusive Yarnplayer HDT and jewelry? PLEASE count me in!
Such beautiful items.
Thank you for your generosity.
Absolutely. Like everybody else I love your colors. Count me in for the raffle.
Your HDT's are great!!!!!!!!!lovely giveaway.Please include me in your giveaway.Hened.
wow I love the bright colors. Please I would like to take part in the contest? Thanks I love the necklace!! I love your work
e-mail is: yeoldetatter@telus.net
Love your H.D.T.and the pendant as well as the Tiger eye. Please enter me.
I love your threads and colorways and find them all very inspiring. This little giveaway was a wonderful surprise find for me. I love the colors in it and today (2/17) happens to also be my birthday!
Thanks for doing this giveaway, and good luck to all who enter.
Hi Marilee, your threads and patterns are soo beautiful! So I would like to take part!
Thank you!
Yes, please, enter me in your lovely giveaway. My blogger profile is public, but here is my email anyway. isdihara at verizon dot net
I wish I could ship you some of our uncharacteristically spring-like weather! We're worried about not having water this summer (and I do like showers!). Please include me in your drawing -- if we're having sorta spring, it would be great to have some thread to match!
Spring seems to be here already everything is budding, Unseasonably warm. Kool giveway, enjoy keeping up with your designs and threads!
Ohhh, please include me. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
Please include me in your drawing. Each of the prizes sounds fantastic, and I could use a little spring. As lovely as it is, all this snow and ice is starting to get to me. If only it would stay off the roads . . .
DebinWV at yahoo dot com
I really like your hand dyed threads! The earrings in the picture at the top of my blog are made with your garden afternoon. Please include me in your giveaway. Thanks!
Add my name to your giveaway. Great one!
I love your threads with this beautiful colours, I just started to learn tatting, I found here so many informations - thanks!
Love you work. Would love to win some of it!
Please,add my name to list.I've got a blog,but it's Hungarian,so my mail:
Lovely! Who could pass this up???
Loving the new thread colors and am deep in the winter doldrums waiting for Spring. Please enter me in the contest and I'll have something to look forward to!
Yay! Signs of spring... (or at least someone else who's looking forward to it as much as me!) Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks! Email is ladyalythe(at)yahoo(dot)com (or the one in my profile)
Leave it to the Queen of colourways to bring us our first sign of spring and what a wonderful sign it is. HDT, I don't think there is any better way to celebrate the arrival of spring. Winning sure would bring an extra dose of sunshine to my house.
Fantastic giveaway(s)! Please add my name, too : )
I love you hand dyed thread. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway.
WoW... I have got to be in that list!!! And I hope to win it too.... count me in Marilee
The colors are lovely!
Thank you for your contest, I do enjoy looking at your site and your patterns.
OOOH I would love to win (again) one of your lovely prizes! Please put my name in the hat!
What wonderful giveaways. I am hooked on your threads. We are having spring like weather here, in WA. Hope it lasts.
I would love to be included in the drawing. Your threads are beautiful.
What a wonderful giveaway. I have enjoyed tatting with your HDT and want to be included in this giveaway. Karen
knitnride at yahoo dot com
I love all your threads and would be honored to own one of your pieces!!! Count me in!
i love your threads.. and would like to be entered in your giveaway contest.. i do some tatting but i'm interested in actually using some in my cross stitching.. the colours are fabulous.. not sure if my blog will show up automatically but its.. http://sheysstitchinmagic.blogspot.com/ in case it doesn't..
Please include me in your drawing. I always enjoy your threads and your creations. Vicki
I love to use your threads. Please count me in.
Love your summer trail thread and the cathedral window is my very favorite so I'd consider myself very lucky to be chosen.
You are so generous,thanks for giving us all something to look forward to until spring actually comes.
What a wonderful idea for not-quite-spring! My email is deb_tat@hotmail.com
I would love to enter this.
My email is:
blood_filled_dream at hotmail.com
What a generous giveaway ! I would love a chance :) Please include me ! I am new to tatting.
Haven't entered any of the giveaways but this one is just too good to pass on!!
I LOVE these threads.
Thanks Marilee
What a great way to treat 'cabin fever'! Your thread colorways are lovely...I too wish to participate in your drawing - thanks!
A super giveaway, you know how much I love your threads. Please include me in your draw.
I love your fibers! Whoever wins will be very lucky. Eileene
Please add my name to your giveaway. I love your threads and tatting and can only hope I am a lucky winner.
Love that pendant, very nicely done!
Enjoy your blog. Want to try tatting again soon. ....Maybe after retirement. Your work inspires me. Please enter me in your drawing.
Spring "feels" just around the corner here in northern MN, but that's just thanks to some super sunny days - YAY! Still have a few more months of winter tho - blah. Thanks for doing this give away, certainly does add fun and keeps us all from too much cabin fever!
Beautiful threads. I would love some.
mathbook28 at gmail dot com
how lovely to have an early spring giveaway of your beautiful skeins of HDT! hope i'm lucky. :)
Here in Singapore, it is getting quite sunny and hot in the day.
Thanks for yet another great giveaway! Hope I win for my birthday (23 Feb) :)
I am addicted to your threads. Thank you for the opportunity.
How lovely! It's wonderful to see the bright variety of color! Sign me up!
Beautiful colors!! Please include me in your drawing. Thank you! giggles8828@hotmail.com.
Love reading your blog. Your thread is beautiful.
I would like to take part in your contest.
Thanks Marj
Add me to the list please.
OHHHHH! I forgot to give you my e-mail address! Please just tack this onto my comment! (just in case I'd be lucky enough to be drawn)
I would like to be included in the contest. I´m a great fan of your work!! My email: lenali_57@hotmail.com
I am new to tatting and came across your blog and saw this beautiful design and now I see you have a giveaway on it and was stunned. It is so beautiful! I love how the black makes the pinks stand out.
I would like to join the giveaway please.
Have a great day! Sue
my e-mail is Hiskid66@msn.com
oh, I hope I'm not too late! I love all your color combos!
Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful comments! I enjoyed reading each one, and they are so sweet. Seeing that so many enjoy this blog is great encouragement to keep posting. I'm closing comments now in order to draw the names of the prize winners.
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